46. 10th-11th June 2012.

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10th June 2012: S.H.I.E.L.D: Break Room:
We walk into the break room, I sit down on an empty seat "We were wondering where you went." Tony speaks through his food "I was in the mess hall." Quite a few shocked faces turn towards me, Clint speaks "Nat and I go in there when the rest of you are busy." "Really?"

Why is Tony so shocked? They know where it is.

Tony speaks again "Oh, we should go there sometime." Natasha takes over the conversation "No, that's a bad idea, the reason we didn't tell you lot, is because if you go in there, you probably won't come back out. This helicarrier is filled with people who are obsessed with the Avengers, when working with you on missions or when they see us at the bridge, they keep as calm and professional as they can. But when it comes to the mess hall, they can do whatever the hell they want. They would swarm around you, they talk about the Avengers more than anything else." "It's true." I say and everyone looks at me "I do overhear a lot of talk about the Avengers when I'm in there and just a few minutes ago I was talking to my friends and Natasha just rescued me from some psycho." Clint leans back in his chair "Conway?" "Yep, she was harassing her." Natasha explains and Bruce grabs my hand under the table.

I'm fine, I'm just glad she got me out of there. I wonder why the guys didn't ask me loads, maybe they didn't know I'm close to the Avengers or perhaps they aren't coocoo!

We get back to eating our meals and talking. Everyone starts to leave, just as I get up I feel someone gently grab my arm and whisper so only I can hear "Meet me at my thinking space tomorrow 08:00." I turn to face the voice, but they are gone. Tony approaches me "What was that about?" "Nothing you need to worry about." Bruce puts a hand on his shoulder "You don't need to know everything, Stark, let her have some privacy, we all have secrets." "I don't have secrets." "Of course you do." "No, I don't."

You know what, I'm going to take this as my cue to leave, they can work this out on their own.

I walk back to my bedroom to get a good night's sleep.

11th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I wake up, change into a pair of trousers and a jumper, put on the orange anklet and shoes. I walk to the mess hall, grab a muffin and a bottle of orange juice "Hey Scarlet." I turn around to see Jimmy "Hi." "You joining us?" "No sorry, I'm meeting with someone elsewhere." "Who?" "Natasha." "Really? Just her?" I look up at the clock 7:50pm. "Yeah. I have to go, it was nice to see you." I run out of the mess hall to the lift, I hit the button a few times to try and speed it up, I eat the muffin and drink half the orange juice before the doors open. I run to the room we snuck into, to escape from Tony before.

Where is it? Where is it!?

I find the room and breathe a sigh of relief, I walk in and straight over to the vent, the box isn't in the way and a chair is already in place for me to step on. I take the gate off the vent, put my bottle in the vent and climb in, pulling the gate back on after me. Then I set off, crawling through the vents, as fast but as quiet as I can, whilst pushing my bottle along. The vents feel like they go on forever, I can hear little bits of conversations as I crawl along.

Am I even going the right way? I hope I remembered correctly.

I notice a figure sitting in the vents, I crawl up behind them and whisper in the darkness "Sorry if I'm late." A pair of gorgeous green eyes turn to face me, we're barely inches apart "No problem." She whispers back and moves over so I can sit down, we sit opposite each other and just sit in silence for a moment. We both try to break the silence at the same time, but I beat her by barely a second "What are we?" "Can we-?" She doesn't even finish her sentence before we both burst into laughter. She reaches over and hugs me, for a moment we just sit there hugging, it's not awkward. We pull away and I start the conversation "What are we to each other, now that we know our feelings?" "If you'll take me, we can be a couple. If you don't, then get out of my vent." She says with a very serious tone, that makes me giggle a little "I'm not going anywhere." "Good." We sit back and talk, mainly about our feelings, but also just about life in general. Then Natasha brings up the big question "Do we tell anyone? Or do we keep it quiet?" "Well, are you sure you want me?" "Definitely." "Me too, so perhaps we should each tell one person each to start with, then as we get more used to it we can let the other Avengers and the Director know, before deciding to go public or not." "Sounds like a plan, I'll let Clint know." "Okay, I'll let Bruce know." She looks at her watch "Come on, let's join the others, they might start wondering where we are if we stay much longer." We crawl through the vents, Natasha heads somewhere else, while I walk to Bruce's lab, where he's sitting with Tony and the Director. I pull over a stool and sit next to Bruce, they continue talking and about 5 minutes later the Director leaves, Tony turns to me "You weren't at breakfast, where were you?" "I got my breakfast from the mess hall."

That wasn't a lie.

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