41. Helicarrier.

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9th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I walk to the break room for breakfast, sitting next to Bruce, we talk for a while, until the others wander in. After a while I look to the clock to see it's 08:27.

Where's Scarlet? I thought she'd be up by now.

"Has anyone seen Scarlet this morning?" Everyone shakes their heads apart from Thor, who speaks "I didn't realise she wasn't here, she's rather quiet, perhaps she's invisible." Everyone starts to look around to see if they can find her "Angel! You in here?"

Angel? Is that what Tony calls her? It's not a bad nickname for her.

Steve speaks "She's not here." "Thanks, Captain Obvious." Steve and Tony begin to glare at each other, I stand and walk towards the door "I'm going to check her room, I want to talk to her." Clint sends me a wink "You definitely need to talk to her, get back to your conversation from yesterday." Everyone looks between the two of us trying to figure out what he means, Tony opens his mouth to say something, but I shoot him a glare "None of your business!" I walk out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I walk to her bedroom and knock on the door, no one answers, I open the door a poke my head in, no Scarlet. I walk to Bruce's lab, no Scarlet.

I have no idea where she is, I'm the assassin, I'm the one who should be difficult to find, not her.

I walk back to the break room and sit back down next to Bruce, who is the first to speak "Couldn't you find her?" "No, she's not in her bedroom, she's not in your lab, I could walk round the whole helicarrier, but I wouldn't know where to start. Does she even know her way around?" "Not really, no. That's odd, I wonder where she would go." "Is my little angel missing?" "No Tony, well I hope not... She's probably just gone for a walk." "Why do you care so much, Natasha, it's not like you to care." "Unlike you, tin man, I have a heart." "She has a heart alright." I hear Clint mutter, everyone turns to him, he lets out a little laugh and looks to me, I glare at him "Don't. You. Dare." He looks back at his fruit loops and continues eating. I ignore all the questions coming from the group and leave the room once again.

I need some fresh air.

I walk outside and sit there watching the clouds.

9th June 2012: Helicarrier:
After having a phone call with my parents, I get dressed into my favourite casual dress, it's bright orange with black dots on it, I pull on my black high heeled boots and put my hair half up half down, I also apply some light makeup.

I don't expect anyone, besides Tony and Bruce, to know it's my birthday and that really doesn't bother me, but I might as well make an effort. I had a lazy pyjama morning, now I'm ready for a fun day, what should I do?

I'm just about to leave the room when I realise I'm still wearing the strength anklet, I get all the anklets out on the bed.

Which one should I wear today? I'm not doing anymore training so I don't need the strength, I don't need to be determined. I don't need to trust people more than usual, they aren't strangers. Do I need to be calm? Nah, nothing worth stressing over today.

I put the black, green, orange and blue away. I have a look at the rest.

I need to be happy, because today is my birthday, I need to be kind because I don't want to be rude and I need to be brave because I want to talk to Natasha. But which one is most important for today? Hmm... I think happiness, yellow it is!

I place it around my ankle and put the rest back in the bottom of the wardrobe, for safe keeping. I walk out of the room, with a smile on my face, I decide to find the others, so I head for the break room, but when I get there, it's empty.

Okay, so they've finished breakfast, where would they go next? I'm pretty sure they all have the weekend off, unless there's an emergency. Maybe they've gone away, maybe I won't see them today. Forget that thought, today I will be happy, let's find someone to be happy with.

I walk to the lab, I was thinking maybe Bruce would be in his lab, even though he doesn't need to be. I walk up to the door and what do I see? Dr Bruce Banner staring at me! I open the door with a smile on my face "Good morning!" "Scarlet, Natasha was looking for you this morning, you weren't at breakfast." "Sorry. Did you say Natasha was looking for me?" "Yeah, I'm not quite sure where she is though." "Don't worry about it, I'll find her, but first, why are you in your lab on a weekend?" He laughs "This is where I spend most of time, even my free time." "Why?" "Just used to it, I guess." He stops fiddling with whatever contraption he has in front of him and sits down on a stool, dragging another one over to him. I walk over a sit with him "What's got you in such a good mood?" "Just a good day." "Alright, what are you planning on doing today?" "Not sure yet, where's everyone else?" "Stark is back at his tower, Thor went back to Asgard, I think everyone else is still here somewhere." "Okay thanks. I guess I'll go find everyone at some point." The two of us just sit there talking for a while, before he insists I leave so he can continue fixing his contraption.

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