13. 30th-31st May 2012.

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New York 30th May 2012: Scarlet's family home:
Scarlet and I slip into a helicopter which takes us back to my car, we hop in and off we go, she gives me the address of where she lives. As we're driving along I start making jokes trying to lighten the mood "You remind me of my dad a bit." "I do? Really?" "Yeah, in a way."

He must be a good man then, I wonder how I remind her of him, it had better be in a good way.

"How?" She giggles a little "You'll soon see." We pull up outside a black and white house, with hedges bordering it in and a little white gate at the front, we get out of the car and make our way to the door. Either side of the door is lined with pansies, Scarlet knocks and we wait for an answer. The door swings open and standing there is a short man, with light brown hair, when he sees me he straightens up "Well, Mr Stark, come on in." "No, it's fine, I'll leave you in peace." "Nonsense, get your butt in here, lad." I look at Scarlet standing next to me, her face is a bit red, probably from embarrassment, but she gives me a serious look. The man at the door steps to the side, I gesture for Scarlet to enter first, then follow behind her, the man shuts the door behind us and we all walk into the living room. This room is filled with bright purples and browns, a lady with grey hair is seated in front of a small television, which is on mute "Julie dear, we have a guest." She stands from the chair, she's about a foot taller than the man. "Oh hello, Julie Olsen." She holds out a hand, I shake it "This is my husband, Jack. We're Scarlet's parents, you must be her boss." Jack sits down and motions for us all to join him "Yes, I'm Tony Stark." "Excellent, so what we can we help you with?" "I'm not here for a favour or anything, I'm just dropping Scarlet off." Her parents share a look that I don't quite understand, I look to Scarlet, who is stroking a dog who had jumped up onto her lap, a beagle "Whilst you're here can I get you a drink? Bourbon? Scotch?" "Jack honey, it's too early in the day for a drink." "It's never too early for a drink." I can't help but laugh a little.

That must be how I remind Scarlet of her dad.

"He can't, dad, he's driving." "Oh." Her dad gives in and leans back in his chair "I'd best be off anyway, I'll come collect you at 9am tomorrow morning, Scarlet." She gets up and the two of us make our way to the front door.

New York 30th May 2012: Scarlet's family home:
I open the front door and step outside with Tony, I close the door behind me "Sorry about them." "No problem. Like I said, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll pick you up and go back to where we were this morning."

Should I tell my parents about my powers or keep them secret? What would my dad say, he turned me into this, would he be mad? Scared?

"Scarlet?" Tony breaks me out of my thoughts "Sorry, I was just thinking." "About how to tell them?" "About... what to tell them... I-I don't know if I should mention it or not." "Think it over, you don't have to tell them right now, if you're not comfortable." He turns and heads back to his car "Thanks." He glances back and smiles at me, I return the smile. Then I open the door and walk back into my house, I lock the door behind me and walk into the lounge, my parents are looking at me expectantly. My dad gets up and gives me a hug "So, you get the day off?" "Yeah." "Mr Stark gave us a call yesterday evening, said you were really busy with work. We were worried you'd have a panic attack." "Don't worry dad, I've been handling it."

I hate lying to my parents, but I don't want them to worry about me, if I tell them about my panic attack, my nightmare, my ability or anything like that they'll just stress.

I make my way over to the sofa and take a seat, Bongo, our dog hops back onto my lap "If you get stressed let your boss know, then he can give us a call." "I can call you myself." "Obviously not." "That was because I lost track of time."

It's true, I didn't know what the time was when everything happened.

"Okay, in future text us." My mum shuffles over and gives me a hug "Will do." I spend the majority of the day with my parents, around 3pm my dad heads to his lab to work on a project he won't tell me about, he likes to keep them top secret until they're complete. So I went out for a little walk, once I returned I helped cook dinner then we watched 2 films before bed. When I was ready for the day to end I laid down on my bed, I closed my eyes and thought about the previous day.

Perhaps it was all a dream, surely not, I don't have the imagination to make all that up.

New York 31st May 2012: Scarlet's family home:
The next morning I wake up, get myself ready for the day, put on my favourite work dress, it's red and blue checkered, I button it all the way up. I put on black boots and head down for breakfast, my mum has already left for work. Once I'm ready to leave I say goodbye to my dad and make my way to the door, right as I open the door Tony is standing there with his hand up like he was about to knock "Morning." "Good morning." "Someone looks like they're in a good mood today."

It's true, I am, I am ready for whatever life throws at me. Well, I hope I am.

I walk to the car with my head held high and a smile on my face.

I didn't make the best impression yesterday at S.H.I.E.L.D, so today I am going to make up for it. I'm going to be as confident as I can.

We drive to a helicopter and take the same journey to base as last time.

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