9. Nightmare.

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New York: Nightmare:
I'm standing in the lab next to Tony "Suit up!" An unfamiliar voice catches my attention, everyone rushes out of the lab, I follow them and find myself in a locker room, I approach a locker with my name on it 'Agent S.Olsen'

I'm an Agent of SHIELD?

I open it and grab whatever I find, I get off my clothes and put on a bright orange pair of leggings and matching sports bra, with long black boots and a small black mask.

Why am I wearing bright orange? I'll be a moving target, or maybe that's the point?

I look at myself in the mirror, I look so different like this, my hair is pulled back, I pull on the mask, I'm unrecognisable. I reach further into my locker and pull out my weapons, two long swords, I swing them onto my back and cross them over each other, I'm ready. I walk out with the red haired Agent who's in a black suit, with black boots like mine. I follow her to a flying vehicle, like a helicopter, but it's not.

I think I saw some of these when I was first brought on-board the helicarrier.

I climb aboard, inside I notice Tony in his Iron Man suit, plus a man in a blue, red and white suit with a shield.

Hang on a minute, that's Captain America!

I look around the rest of the room to see I'm with the Avengers.

That means the red haired lady must be Black Widow.

I notice Bruce sitting in a corner, I sit down next to him "You nervous, Scarlet?" I nod, a lot. He chuckles slightly "We've got your back." "Don't forget the plan everyone." Captain America reminds us before we arrive "Scarlet you're our distraction, you need to make sure they notice you and turn invisible before they shoot you." Bruce raises his hand slightly, Captain America gestures for him to speak "Do you think it's a good idea with Scarlet being in such a bright colour, even though she can turn invisible?" "You don't want us to accidentally shoot her, do you? At least this way everyone can see her." "Right." I take a few deep breaths to try and calm my nerves.

We arrive at our destination, we all get out, everyone hides, leaving me out in the open. I slowly walk forward, swords at the ready. A creature jumps out at me, it has orange scaly skin, a forked tongue and black eyes. I slice through it with my swords, then they all start marching towards me, out of the corners of my eyes I can see the remainder of the Avengers, sneaking around so they can surround the creatures when they get close enough. When they get within shooting distance, I turn invisible and run to the side as fast as I can, barely dodging a bullet. The Avengers jump out and the fight begins, I stay invisible as I run around attacking where I can, trying to dodge all the weapons flying around in all directions, the fight goes on for ages, I'm weakening. The creatures are almost all gone by now, I stop to take a breath when I hear something flying towards me. I don't have enough time to react, it hits me in my side. The pain radiates through my body, I let out a scream as I fall, I can't keep myself invisible any longer, I hear Tony call out to me "Scarlet!" I hit the ground and everything fades to black.

When I open my eyes all I feel is pain, I start coughing as I notice the area is filled with dust, the buildings around me are all crumpled down, then I notice the bodies, all of the Avengers are laying on the ground motionless. I run over to Bruce "Please don't be dead! Please don't be dead! Please!" He is, I can't feel his heart beating. I can't hear anything around me, all is quiet, I walk down the road a little to see more dead bodies scattered around. Then a creature appears in front of me, it speaks in a hypnotic voice "Join me." "W-Who are you?" "A friend."

Should I believe him? It? I feel like I have to.

He reaches out a scaly hand to me, I hesitate but take it, the hand is rock solid "You, Scarlet, are the problem here, you don't belong. You can't stay here, you need to leave. You need to come with me, with us." "With who?" He gestures to more creatures behind him "Scarlet!" I turn quickly as I hear Tony's voice, he sounds distant, he's laying on the ground, the light on his suit flickering, I try to run to him but the creature won't let me go "Tony!" "Come on, Scarlet!" He sounds closer now, I try to run but the creature's grip only tightens, I feel a coldness spread through my body, I begin to freeze all over. I call out but it comes out as only a whisper "Help me." I close my eyes, everything fades to black once again.

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