49. Helicarrier.

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11th June 2012: Helicarrier:
There's a knock at the door, Agent Hill walks in and holds the door open "She's here, Sir, she's invisible." "Right."

She's probably terrified of me, doesn't help the fact that last time I summoned her alone, I accused her of hacking into our systems.

I gesture for her to take a seat and I sit down "You aren't in trouble this time. Why are you invisible?" "Bruce and I are testing how long I can remain invisible for." "How long so far?" "This morning, when you were with Bruce and Tony in the lab, I entered, when you left, we began." "Very well. The Avengers are leaving tomorrow morning to take some weapons of mass destruction away from HYDRA. They need to wipe data from a computer and sneak around before grabbing the weapons. You said you would think about my offer, for you joining us." I try to speak in a softer voice "I'm not saying you have to be an Agent, but I am asking for you help, even if it is just this one mission. You could get in unnoticed, wipe the data and get out, then everyone else could sneak in and get the weapons. You have the remainder of the day to decide." I try to give her a smile, I hear her move the chair backwards "Thank you, Director." The door opens and closes.

It's good that she's quiet when walking, that'll help.

11th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I think I might do it, it sounds like I'm just doing something small, it'll be a chance to put my ability to use, but am I ready? I think I'll speak to Natasha.

I arrive at the gym, she's beating up a punch bag, there's no one else in the room. I walk up behind her and whisper "Boo." I quickly take a step back so I don't get hit "Scarlet? Is that you? Did I hit you?" "No, I'm fine, I knew you'd swing at me." "So you got out of the way, thank goodness." She breathes a sigh of relief "What's up?" I speak in a very serious tone "The ceiling." She gives me a very serious look in return, we stay like that for a moment, before we both burst into laughter, I sit on the floor, she leans over holding her stomach. The gym door opens, I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from being heard.

Tony looks confused as he looks at her in a laughing fit. She hasn't realised we have company and Tony doesn't know I'm here. I want to laugh so bad, but I want to see what happens when Natasha sees Tony.

Tony speaks "That's not weird." She looks over at him, wide eyed and puts her hands over her mouth, in attempt to calm down "What's so funny, what did you do?" "Scarlet said something funny, well it wasn't funny, it's just the way she said it." She lets out a short laugh, before taking a few breaths "Okay, I'm good now, I'm good. I needed that, thanks Scarlet." "But she's not... Wait! You're invisible aren't you? I thought Natasha was just being a crazy person." I finally speak up, since he figured it out "Hi, Tony." "Hey, angel. What you doing here?" "I came to talk to Tasha about something."

Ooh I've never called her that before, I might try and do that more often.

He sends me a wink and walks out of the room.

Does he know? He can't know, surely.

Once the door shuts I get up off the floor and put my hand on Natasha's arm "Come with me, I need to ask your opinion on something." We go to the location that has now become our secret meeting spot. I tell her about what Fury said, she thinks it'll be good for me and they have full faith in my abilities.

I walk to the bridge, expecting Fury to be there, like he almost always is. He's just about to leave the room, I shout across the room to him "Director Fury!" Quite a few people look up from their computers looking startled, Fury stops in his tracks and scans around him as I run over to him "Who wants my attention?" When I reach him I take a breath and speak "It's Scarlet, Sir. I'll do it, I'll do the mission." A slight smile reaches his lips momentarily "Thank you, I'll let the others know." He turns around and walks out of the room, I head to the break room for something to eat, a little earlier than usual, but I need food. After eating, I head to my room, on the way I bump into Agent Hill who hands me a uniform to wear tomorrow. I turn on the shower.

Why is it so cold?

I take a cold shower, once I'm out I look in the mirror, noticing I'm still invisible, I make a note of the time and warm myself up, the mirror shows me visible now.

I needed that, that shower was freezing, but it was probably just me.

I get everything laid out ready for tomorrow and go to sleep.

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