6. Helicarrier.

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29th May 2012: Helicarrier:
"Doctor, may we speak to you?" The man named Fury, calls Bruce away "Of course, we'll be right back, okay?" Bruce turns to me, I give him a nod, he turns away and walks out of the room, along with the others.

I'm so glad we managed to figure out what caused it, but what now? What will they do with me? Will they see me as a threat? I don't want to hurt them, I can turn invisible, it's not like I have super strength or anything... What if I have another power? Could I? Well, maybe the chemicals did something else to me too, but it could just be invisibility. I need to try some things, see if anything happens.

I hold my hands out in front of me, take a deep breath and focus on the stool.

I don't know what to feel, what do I want to happen?

Nothing comes to mind, so I lower my hands.

Maybe I should just test my invisibility capabilities.

I think back to the feeling I got when I went invisible, I remember how cold my hands became.

It's working, I can feel myself getting colder.

When I shiver I know I'm fully invisible.

Okay let's see how long I can stay like this.

I glance around the room. Things look a bit different when I'm like this, I didn't notice before. Everything glows slightly and as I move my head from side to side objects blur together a bit, when I stay still I have perfect vision with a slight glow.

This is so cool!

I start walking around the lab, I pick things up to make sure I can still touch things, I spot a reflective surface and look at it.

I can't see myself, this is so cool! If only I knew how to do this a few years ago, I could have had privacy whenever I wanted, but at least I've figured it out now.

I hear voices outside of the room, I walk towards the open door, looking both ways before stepping out of the room. I follow the voices to a huge room full of people and computers.

They're all so busy, they probably wouldn't even notice me if I were visible, but I'm not taking a chance.

I stay as quiet as I can. For a few moments I just watch the people working, then Fury walks right past me with the red haired lady at his side.

I can't remember her name.

She speaks to him "Sir, what do you think? Is she a threat?" He takes a moment to ponder "No, I don't think she is, she's just a kid, but we'll keep an eye on her. We still need to figure out exactly what she's capable of."

Phew, they aren't going to kill me, yet, I'm only 22 I'm not ready to die.

Then I realise, through all this excitement and handling my nerves working with Tony, I haven't even been keeping an eye on the date. I glance around the room looking for a calendar, when I find one I gasp at the date, someone looks suspiciously in my direction.

Oh no, I need to stay quiet.

I look back at the calendar.

It's nearly my 23rd birthday, yay!

I quietly head back to the lab to see Tony looking around frantically and Bruce on his hands a knees under a desk "Scarlet, are you under here? I'm not going to hurt you, please come out." I almost can't contain my laughter at the scene. "Are you sure she's even in here? What if she went walkabout?" Bruce gets up from the floor "Stark, we'll find her, let's just ask Fury." Tony runs to where he's standing and grabs his shoulders "No! We can't tell him we've lost her, he'll have our heads." Bruce glares at him "Let go of me." Tony lets go and walks away.

I've got to do something before I cause a fight or something. I have an idea, it's payback time.

I quietly close the door behind me and loudly clap my hands together, they both jump into the air and look towards the door, I think about warmth and feel the heat returning to my body, a huge grin on my face. I can't help but let out a little giggle at the look on Tony's face.

He looks terrified, but it serves him right, he did it to me.

I look to Bruce who's shocked face turns into a smile, he starts chuckling. I look back to Tony, I say one thing before making my way over to Bruce "Payback." I sit back down on the stool next to Bruce, who raises his hand for a high-five, I give him one.

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