60. 15th July 2012.

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15th July 2012: Helicarrier:
I open my eyes to see I'm in my bedroom.

Did someone carry me here?

I look at the clock 9:26am, I visit the bathroom, then head to the break room.

I need to tell them about everything I saw.

I walk into an empty break room, I grab a bottle of water and a muffin, I run as fast as I can to the bridge, no one.

Maybe they're in the meeting room, talking about it all still?

I run to the meeting room, I don't bother knocking, I open the door and try to catch my breath. Tony looks over to me "You okay, angel?" I hold a hand up and nod as I lean against the doorframe, while I breathe deep, I walk forwards and lean against the back of Natasha's chair. She looks up at me with a worried smile, I return with a proper smile "I had a... well, it wasn't a nightmare, but it was with those creatures again." Everyone focuses their attention on me "There are loads of them, all under the water, making weapons from metal. They aren't at all merciful, I saw one of them kill two for fighting with each other, one tried to attack me, but I talked to it. They want to kill all of the humans and have Earth for themselves." Thor stands up.

Yay, Thor's back!

"I know what they are, thank you, Lady Scarlet, that information confirmed my suspicions." "You know them?" "They are scavengers, they wipe out the lives of a planet, then scavenge the planet for resources to take back home, they want to be unbeatable. They are known as the Skyleas, no one knows what a Skylea looks like, because they never take on a planet with life forms advanced enough to survive. They must not know the Avengers and others alike live here, they see Earth as the primitive planet it is." Fury speaks up "What are their strengths and weaknesses?" "From stories I have been told about them, they have strong skin, only penetrable by bullets and blades, they are strong, they can control the minds of the weak with ease and the minds of most others with a little persuading. But they cannot control you if some part of you is metal, metal is their weapon but also their downfall."

Metal... so that's why Tony survived.

"In the first nightmare Tony was the only one who survived. You have metal in you." Clint asks a serious question "So what? We each have to put some metal in us?" Thor explains "It doesn't have to be something big, any amount of metal, anywhere in or connected to your body." Fury looks to Bruce "Doctor, I need you to get small suitable pieces of metal that you can insert under the skin, all of S.H.I.E.L.D will need one." "Yes, Sir." Bruce says, as he starts scribbling down notes, he rushes out of the room, followed by Tony, heading for the lab. Thor walks over to me, places his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face him, he looks down into my eyes "Lady Scarlet, you mentioned nightmares along with these creatures?" "Yes." "I assure you, our fates will not be the same as in those nightmares, the Skyleas creep into your mind, to control you, don't let them get to you. To get into your mind in the first place, you must have come across one, they must have been planning this, sent a scout or something. They are trying to turn you against us, you have to be strong, be brave, be calm and trust us."

Good thing those are 4 of the words I live by.

15th July 2012: Helicarrier:
Stark and I spend most of the day deciding how we were going to go about this, I was figuring out the best place to put the piece of metal and figuring out exactly how much we'd need. Fury and Rogers come in carrying metal for us to use, Stark has been cutting the metal into tiny pieces, a little while later Rogers helped him.

I look at the clock it's 04:38pm, all the metal is cut, safe for use and ready to be implanted into everyone, we test it on me first, the big guy isn't keen on it.

Let's hope it works alright, it would be a disaster if they got control of the Hulk's mind.

I head to the infirmary with some of the implants and explain the process to the Doctors and Nurses, they then help me bring all the implants to the infirmary ready, meanwhile Stark lets Fury know we're ready. The pair walk into my lab, I'm carrying out the last implants, Fury speaks "Are you ready to start implanting them now?" "Yes, Sir, the medical staff are ready." "Good, I've sorted everyone into groups, some to be done today, others tomorrow." "Alright, send the first group to the infirmary as soon as they're ready." The medical staff and I spend an hour implanting, have dinner and then continue until 10pm, we get some sleep and continue at 9am the next morning. The ones from the first day, are the people who don't stay aboard the helicarrier over the weekend, everyone who was available on the Saturday, came in then. By the end of the Saturday all S.H.I.E.L.D Agents and the Avengers were done.

We don't know when they will attack, but we're ready for them.

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