62. New York.

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New York 19th July 2012:
We pile into the quinjet and head towards the city, we are all sitting around, talking.

The poor city, why New York, why?

I notice Scarlet and Nat sitting together, holding hands, Scarlet looks like she's going to have a nervous breakdown.

I guess I can't blame her, this is all still rather new to her. She's improved a lot with her fighting abilities, but we'll try and keep the fights away from her as much as we can, she'll be getting civilians to safety. We've already alerted the Police, who are trying to evacuate the city, but it's not so easy when it's such a big city and we don't know exactly where our enemy will strike first.

I take a seat and settle my own nerves, I glance around the quinjet at my team, Stark looks ready, Barton looks excited, Thor looks confident, Dr Banner looks nervous, Nat looks ready. But Scarlet looks like she needs a hug, she's looking down at her shaking hands, while still being clasped with Nat's, Nat looks up and our eyes meet, I try to get my thought across 'Hug her' she gives me a curious look then her eyes widen slightly, she pulls Scarlet into an almost suffocating hug, who closes her eyes and starts to relax a little. As they pull away from the hug, their eyes meet and the start to lean in, I immediately look down at my hands.

I need to give them some privacy.

I hear Stark wolf whistle, everyone looks up at him, he points to Nat and Scarlet, who are kissing and not paying attention to anything else. When they break apart, Scarlet flushes pink and buries her head in Nat's neck, while everyone goes back to their own thoughts and conversations. The Agent flying the quinjet lets us know we're about to land, so I put my mask on and pick up my shield, as soon as we land, the hatch opens and we all march out in the sun, as we wait for the enemy to arrive.

They approach and we spread out, everyone knows what their responsibilities are and who to stick close to, we fight, the fight goes on for a few hours. Unlike the battle of New York they don't keep coming, a few at a time, an endless army. No, this time, there is a specific amount and they all attack at once, they work together to cause as much pain as possible. I look up to a building and see frightened faces at the windows.

Some people are so stubborn, why didn't they evacuate when they were told? I'll have to send Scarlet in.

I'm not entirely sure where she is, because she's invisible but she's supposed to stick close to Nat and me "Scarlet, could you get into this building over here, we've got people trapped." I point up at the building, hoping she can see me "Sure." I continue fighting, it's getting pretty chaotic, out of the corner of my eye I spot Nat, I gesture for her to come over. She follows me, as we move close to the mass, we fight together. In the distance, I notice people running out of the building Scarlet's in.

Good, she's told them to get somewhere safe.

After a few minutes the flood of people stop "That everyone out, Scarlet?" "Almost, I've got a trapped kid in here."

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