38. HYDRA Base & Helicarrier.

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8th June 2012: HYDRA Base:
My team arrive at the HYDRA base, we make our way in and take out the guards.

It seems a little empty and rather quiet.

Stark voices the same opinion as me "Guys, this seems a little too easy, where the hell is everyone?" We continue through the base, not coming across much resistance.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

I decide it's best to contact Director Fury and let him know "Director Fury?" All I hear is static "Director? Can you hear me?" Barton runs over to me "All I'm getting is static, seems communications are down." "Great. Let's just destroy the information and get out of here." We get rid of everything they have about SHIELD, but my gut tells me they've already shared the information with at least one other base. We get into the quinjet and head for the helicarrier, on the way we discuss how empty the base was.

Did they know we were coming?

All I can do is think of the worst case scenario as we head towards SHIELD.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier:
My thoughts are interrupted by Barton talking from the pilot seat "Uh guys, we may have a problem." We all walk towards the front, to look at said problem, looking through the windows we can see bright flashes of light, loud gunshots, yelling and smoke coming from one of the rooms on the top floor "Looks like it was a trap, we visited HYDRA, they visited us." "They must have realised we had captured their men, they must have missed a timeslot to report back." Stark makes a good point, the jet lands and we step out, preparing ourselves to fight.

My first priority is to find Director Fury, we need to find out what happened here.

"I'll find the Director. Thor, you find Dr Banner. Stark, make sure we still have control over the helicarrier, we don't want a repeat of Loki. Everyone else just help where you can." Everyone nods and we make our way inside. "I'll find Scarlet." Nat says as she runs in ahead of us. I enter and find Director Fury shooting a few Agents, while using a desk as a shield, I crouch down next to him.

8th June 2012: Helicarrier:
"Director." I look to my left to see Rogers.

Thank goodness, we're finally going to be able to put an end to this.

"Good, you're here." "What did we miss?" "I was showing Miss Olsen how to use a gun, watching her shoot as best she could at the targets, Dr Banner monitoring her. When we were done, we headed to the lab, to look at the results, on the way Agent Hill told me we had intruders and that we were under attack. So I handed the kid a gun, we were about to make our way to the bridge, when someone shot Dr Banner in the leg causing the 'other guy' to make an appearance. I shot the man between the eyes as the three of us made our way to the bridge to see the extent of the situation, it wasn't good. The Hulk took out whoever got in our way as we made our way to the armoury, we stocked up and walked around the helicarrier taking out anyone we could, then we heard an explosion. I turned around to see a hole in the ground, Miss Olsen was trapped down there, I told her to clear what she could out of the way to crawl out. Hulk and I continued searching for HYDRA Agents, they must have noticed their Agents had been locked up and waited for the perfect opportunity to attack, when the Avengers weren't around to help. More Agents made their way aboard, I made my way to the bridge to see if all systems were still working properly. I decided the place we needed to protect the most was here, so we gathered as many of our people as we could in this room, we've been here fighting them off for a while now. The Hulk has been roaming the halls for stragglers." "Right, Stark is going to check through the system, Thor's gone after Hulk, Nat is searching for Scarlet and everyone else is just helping where they can." "Alright, our comms are down, we tried to contact you, to warn you but we couldn't." "We noticed, don't worry about that now."

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