57. Pacific Ocean.

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Pacific Ocean 14th July 2012:
A team and I arrive at a dockyard and are put on a boat, whilst the boat is moving I am given a wetsuit to put on, after getting changed, I sit on deck where I can feel the warm breeze in my hair. We come to a stop and we are each given some gear, after getting ready we make our way into the water, the sea is warm and calm. We dive down, our flashlights searching for anything unnatural, we separate slightly to search.

What is that?

I notice a huge metal thing, I signal for the others to swim over to me, we all descend together. As we get closer I notice movement through a window in the metal.

Perhaps it's a ship or a life pod.

One of the Agents swims ahead slightly and jumps back, as a hatch opens, we all swim to the side of it, so whoever is there, can't see us. I peer round the corner in time to see 5 creatures emerge, they look about the size of an average human, but with orange scales all over their bodies. One of the Agents manages to grab their attention, one of the creatures turns towards him, it has black eyes and a forked tongue moves around, as it speaks in a dream-like voice "Leave us, human." The Agent he spoke to, begins swimming to the surface, the other creatures approach the rest of them, each of them swim to the surface, some immediately, however some hesitate and take a few times before they obey.

Why are they leaving? Why are they doing what they're told by these creatures? I will not go, we have orders to investigate.

One of the creatures swims gracefully over to me "Leave us, human." I shake my head, it responds by sticking its tongue out aggressively "Leave us! You will leave or you will die!"

I guess I'll have to, if I don't return to S.H.I.E.L.D there will be more problems and I don't think I'd win the fight down here, they seem adapted to the water.

I swim to the surface, when I reach the boat, everyone looks rather confused "We need to speak to Fury, immediately." On the journey back to the dockyard they keep asking each other "Why did I do what they said?"

14th July 2012: Helicarrier: Conference Room:
My phone rings, I pick it up to hear Agent Bloomfield's voice "Sir, the Captain wants a word."

Why does the Captain want to talk to me?

"Put them on." "Director, Sir."

Oh Captain America, that makes more sense.

"What have you found out?" "It seems to be a ship, 5 life forms emerged, they seem to have some sort of ability. They told the Agents to leave and they did, they swam to the surface, when one of them told me to, I tried to resist, but I was told they would kill me if I didn't go. I wouldn't have won against them, they swam and breath underwater, like we breathe oxygen, naturally." "It seems we have a problem then, get back as soon as you can to give a full debrief." "Yes, Sir." I hang up the phone and call for the Avengers, Miss Olsen and Agent Hill, to report to the meeting room.

I explain everything Rogers told me, we sit and wait for the team to arrive, there's a knock on the door "Enter." In walks Rogers and my team of Agents, they file in a sit down amongst the Avengers "Talk." Each one explains what happened, most said things like "It's like I was hypnotised." and "I felt like I had to do what they were telling me, I tried to resist but they broke me." Then the least likely person to ask a question, does so "What did they look like?" Everyone turns to the quiet voice of Miss Olsen, we look to where she was sitting.

She's invisible, I wonder why and why does she sound so frightened?

Rogers answers "They were about the size of a man, with orange scaly armour-like skin, they wore no clothing. When it turned its head towards us, I could see full black eyes, no white or anything, just black and a.." "...long forked tongue and a deep hypnotic voice?" Miss Olsen finishes his sentence, the Agents and Captain look surprised, one of them speaks "How could you know that? Have you seen these monsters before?" After a moments silence she responds, her voice shaking "I-I have... They are the creatures from from my nightmares..." Without even seeing her, I can tell how scared she is, I turn to the team I sent out "Thank you for what you've found out, everyone, you are dismissed. I need to discuss this with the Avengers alone, you may need to be questioned further later on." The team nod and leave the room, some rather reluctantly. Agent Hill follows them out, leaving the Avengers, Miss Olsen and myself "Your nightmares, tell us about them."

I remember being told by Dr Banner and Stark after the incident, but I want to know from her.

She takes a breath and begins "We were all fighting them, they looked just as Steve described, they fought with daggers, I was injured. When I came around everyone was dead, apart from Tony, he tried to stop the creatures from taking me. I felt like I had to go with them... Then when I was shot on my first mission I had another nightmare, one of the creatures approached me, the same one from before, I think he was the leader. I could see Iron Man fighting against them, but he was struggling, their skin is thick, Tony's energy wasn't damaging them. I had to go with him or more people would suffer. Then I-I woke up... I woke up." As she finishes, her voice grows weaker and quieter, Dr Banner from beside her puts an arm around her and holds her tight as she goes silent.

How did she see all that? Did she witness the future? The destruction of the Avengers? What are they?

So many questions fill my head and probably the heads of everyone else in the room, yet no one speaks.

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