48. Helicarrier Break Room.

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11th June 2012: Helicarrier: Break Room:
Well that was a new low, even for Stark, but hilarious!

He turns slightly red under Fury's now furious glare. We all laugh, except those two, of course. I hear the scrape of a chair, followed by a quiet "Ow!" Everyone turns their heads towards to the seat next to me, where Thor is now standing and looking around for the voice "Lady Scarlet? Are you alright?" "Yep, all good." I hear the voice come from the floor, so I reach a hand towards the floor behind Thor's chair, I feel a cold hand grab my own and I pull her up "You seem to be making a habit of that, buddy." Bruce speaks up "What are you talking about?" I explain "The first time Thor and Scarlet met was in here, she was invisible, sitting on a chair, Thor pulled out the chair and she dropped to the floor. By what I can tell, Scarlet just walked behind our chairs to make her way back to her seat, when Thor pushed out his chair, to stand, hitting Scarlet and sending her to the floor, again." I look to Thor for confirmation, he sheepishly nods his head "Don't worry Thor, I'm fine." Scarlet sounds closer to us now, Thor's eyes widen as she speaks.

I think she's standing right beside him. I seem to be getting better at locating her now. Perhaps I should ask her if she'd mind practicing fighting with her, so I can learn to locate her even better.

We spend the rest of our lunch break sitting around talking, Fury left the room still looking angry about Stark. Everyone starts leaving the room, I walk over to Scarlet's chair "You still here?" "Yep, can I help you with something?" "Actually, yes. I was wondering if you would train with me, I'm getting better at locating you while invisible, will you help me improve it further?" "Sure." Bruce joins us "If you don't mind I'll accompany you, trying to see how long she can stay invisible for." "No problem Doc."

11th June 2012: Helicarrier:
We arrive at her bedroom so she can get into something more suitable, a few minutes later the door opens "Oh, wait." Then it closes again, she goes back inside, when the door opens again I speak "What did you go back to get?" "Changed my anklet." "Your... what?" "It's a bit difficult to explain without showing, but they are supposed to help you focus on a particular emotion or state of mind, so I changed it to the strength one."

I don't think I'm going to understand even if I ask for a longer explanation. What in the world is an anklet anyway? Oh well, whatever makes her happy, I guess.

We make our way to the gym, when we arrive, the Doctor sits on a bench, while I pick up a sparring stick and make my way to the centre of the room.

11th June 2012: Helicarrier:
"Agent Hill I need you to bring me the Avengers." "Yes Sir." A few minutes later the Avengers walk into the meeting room, where I am waiting, they take their seats and wait for me to explain "I have a mission for you, there is a HYDRA base we have been keeping an eye on for a few weeks, we need to attack now, they have just been delivered nuclear weapons." Everyone looks at each other, with worried expressions, I hand them everything we know and continue explaining "I need you out of here tomorrow morning. Be as sneaky as you can, get in there and to the computers, without being noticed, wipe the data, get to the weapons and get them out. I don't expect you'll be able to remain completely unnoticed getting them out, but you need to be careful." "I can wipe the data while the rest of you go for the weapons." Agent Romanoff suggests.

That's not a bad idea, but she could use some help, maybe Miss Olsen would be willing to assist, I'll have to talk to her.

"I've got someone in mind to help, when we're done here I'm going to request their assistance, then I'll let you know. Dismissed." Everyone gets up and walks out of the room, paperwork in hand "Agent Hill, can you bring me Miss Olsen, don't alert the others though." "Yes, Sir."

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