61. 19th July 2012.

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19th July 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
Scarlet and I are training in the gym, still getting ready for the fight against the Skyleas.

I don't like waiting, but we have to wait for them to make the first move.

I knock Scarlet to the ground, but she brings me tumbling down with her, I land on top of her, almost kneeing her in the gut "Sorry." "Don't apologise, it's my fault." She notices the position we are in and starts to blush.

Why does she have to be so damn cute!?

She takes me by surprise, as she leans up and kisses me, when she draws back she has a smirk on her face.

What's she smirking about? Oh God I'm blushing!

She rolls me onto my back and goes to stand up.

No fair, I was distracted!

Before she is at her full height, I pull her leg, she hits the ground again, we continue this process for ages, neither letting the other one stand.

19th July 2012: Helicarrier: Gym:
I head to the gym to work out, when I hear laughter, the closer I walk towards the gym, the louder the laughter gets. I hear a thump and pick up my pace a little, when I arrive at the door I open it, to see Tasha and Scarlet laying on the ground, laughing like hyenas, I even hear Tasha snort, which just makes Scarlet laugh more.

Don't laugh, don't laugh.

Tasha tries to stand and Scarlet pulls her down on top of her. I turn towards the target room, so I can leave the pair to have their fun. I pull out my bow and get busy, with the laughter still filling the corridor. About half an hour after I started my work out, the Director speaks over the intercom "All Avengers and Miss Olsen gear up and report to the meeting room immediately. All Agents gear up and report to the bridge immediately. The Skyleas have left the ocean, I repeat the Skyleas have left the ocean."

It's about damn time!

I step out of the room and am met by Tasha and Scarlet. "Ready?" “Always.” Scarlet doesn't respond, Tasha grips her hand as we walk to our rooms to get ready. Once changed, I head to the meeting room, we sit around and listen to Fury, coming up with a plan of attack, once we're done, we head to the armoury for our weapons. Fury said the Agents will be spread out amongst us, we'll all spread out throughout the city, since we're unsure of where they'll strike. They have their ships up and running, but a scan says they aren't armed, so they will have to fight on foot.

Sounds good to me.

Some Agents and Scarlet will be rescuing as many civilians as they can, as the rest of us fight. As we walk through the corridors all the Agents on the helicarrier are preparing themselves for the battle ahead.

Let's do this.

We march towards the outside of the helicarrier, ready to go.

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