40. 8th-9th June 2012.

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8th June 2012: Helicarrier:
After making sure the helicarrier is secure and empty of HYDRA Agents, I got Stark to help get the comms up and running once again. Once done he headed to the infirmary to see how Miss Olsen was getting on, I watch over the reconstruction of equipment and the clean up of bodies. I walk around the helicarrier with a notepad and pen, making a note of names of dead SHIELD Agents and other staff, so I can notify the rest of the staff and contact their families.

Luckily, we didn't lose many today, there are far more dead HYDRA Agents than our own.

I head to the mess hall for some dinner, I call the Avengers and Agent Hill to the conference room and walk there with my food, when I get there they are already there, eating "Let's go over what happened here and at the HYDRA base, Agent Hill why don't you start us off with your experience here today?" We discuss everything and then I dismiss them all.

After they leave, I tidy up and head towards the bridge, I almost walk into someone, when I look to see who it is, a small smile forms on my face "Miss Olsen." "Oh! Director, sorry I wasn't paying attention." "It's fine, how are you doing?" "I'm a little shaken, but I'll get over it. How are you, Sir?" "Coping. Where are you heading?" "To grab something to eat, I was being healed during dinner and haven't eaten in a while." "I'll accompany you, if you don't mind." "Sure." I fall into step beside her as we walk to the break room, it's empty inside, she grabs her meal out of the freezer and puts it in the microwave "Agent Romanoff told me you did well today." I see her start to fade slightly "I guess." "I think you're getting rather good at fighting now, you still need to work on your strength and stamina. Help will always be here at SHIELD, for those who need it." "Thank you, Sir." "I'm not going to force you to work for me, but if you wish to, you can become one of my Agents. If you would prefer, you could work at the bridge on one of the computers, if I remember correctly computers are your talent." She nods slightly as she returns to full visibility "No rush, think it over, let me know. Good night to you, Miss Olsen." I bow my head slightly and walk out of the room, just as the microwave dings.

9th June 2012: Helicarrier:
It's 7:45am, I get out of bed, put on my bunny slippers, stretch and walk to the break room.

I really can't be bothered to get out of my pyjamas, if people don't like it then it's their problem.

I'm walking down the last hallway before the break room, when I hear a sort of familiar voice "Scarlet?" I look up to see the man I helped yesterday "Morning, Jimmy." "Cute pyjamas." I look down at Stitch on my tank top and leaves on my trousers, I look back up and smile "Thanks." "You heading to the mess hall?" "Uh, no." "Why not? Join me." "I don't feel comfortable around huge groups of people." "So, where do you eat?" "The break room." "I didn't know we had a break room."

That's weird, maybe it's just for the Avengers? Oh well, maybe I'll try the mess hall for a change.

"You know what, lead the way." "Great." He gives me a grin before leading me further along the hall to the lift, we get in, when the doors to the lift open, I can smell food.

Hmm, food!

We walk into the room, it's loud, because everyone's talking, I try my best to ignore it all while I get in line with Jimmy. I decide to have bacon and eggs, along with some orange juice, once I've picked up my tray I follow Jimmy to a table with two other men "Guys this is Scarlet."

I don't want them to know I can turn invisible just yet, so I need to keep my mind focused on warm things. Summer and sun and all things hot.

One man offers me his hand "Oscar." Then the other "Alfie, it's nice to meet you." I smile at them both before Jimmy gestures for me to sit beside him. During breakfast we discuss just random things, I get to know them a bit better, they're actually really nice people. Jimmy is an Agent who's been working here for the past 3 years, he's only 2 years older than myself. Oscar is a mechanic, he's been here for 7 years and is 11 years older than me. Alfie is also an Agent, he's only been here for a few months and is the same age as Jimmy. After about an hour, the mess hall starts to quieten down, there are still small groups of people and a few late risers. But it's a weekend, most of them can get up whenever they want. We begin to draw attention to ourselves, it's Alfie, he has the loudest, most contagious laugh you've ever heard. I try to keep myself together, but it's no use, in a matter of seconds all four of us are leant over the table laughing at Oscar's joke, even though it wasn't really that funny at all.

It's nice making some friends who aren't the Avengers, don't get me wrong, they're great, but it's nice to know some other people. It's nice to actually have friends, I'd never had friends before working for Tony, I've come so far and my social confidence has grown, I'm so happy!

"Damn it, I've got to go, I've got to meet my team leader at 09:00." Alfie says, while trying to settle his laughter "You should join us more often, Scarlet, it was great getting to know you." I nod enthusiastically.

Of course I didn't tell them everything about myself, but I'm sure they didn't tell me everything about them either. It's not like I lied to them about being invisible, they never asked about what I can do, we didn't discuss work much.

Alfie leaves the room, I look around to see there's barely anyone left now. Next to leave is Oscar, he's got a personal project he wants to get back to. Which leaves just Jimmy and myself, we leave the room and get back in the lift "Thanks for inviting me to join your table." "Anytime you like, it was nice to have someone different around, I'll catch you later." We get out of the lift at the floor where all the bedrooms are, he walks to his, I walk to mine so I can get into some proper clothing. As soon as I walk in I turn on my phone 1 missed call and 1 new text message. I open the text.

'Happy birthday sweetie! Call us when you're awake, love you xxx' -Mum and dad.

It's today? I completely forgot.

I immediately call them.

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