42. New York.

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9th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I wandered around the helicarrier all morning and whenever I would find an Avenger I would start a conversation with them, but then they would say they were busy. Apart from Natasha, I couldn't seem to find her anywhere.

Why is everyone so busy? It's the weekend! Maybe I could go visit my parents, it's boring here right now.

I decide to look for Fury, I find him like usual at the bridge "Sir?" He turns to face me "Miss Olsen, shouldn't you be resting?" "Nope, I'm all good, feel great, even slept great, don't need rest." We both share a slightly shocked look.

I don't know where all of that came from.

I clear my throat "Sorry about that, don't know who that was." He doesn't laugh but he looks amused, so I ask the question on my mind "Would I be able to go home for the weekend? I know we said about me staying here because I was injured, but I'm fine, really." "I'll get you a ride." "Thank you so much."

I'm so tempted to hug him, but that would just be weird wouldn't it?

"I'll let the others know you're heading back." "Thank you, Sir." I journey home, I decide not to tell my parents, I'm going to surprise them instead.

New York 9th June 2012: Scarlet's family home:
I knock on my parent's front door, my dad opens it, his face filled with joy, after being greeted, hugged and questioned by the pair of them, we decide to go out for lunch. We visit a cute little cafe down the road, after a nice meal full of laughter and stories of what they've been up to at work, we go for a walk around the city, to nowhere in particular, or so I thought... We're just walking along, when my parents nudge me into a shop, without letting me see the name. We walk through the door, to my amazement it is filled with beautiful dresses.

Wow, this place is gorgeous!

I'm lead over to the dresses in my size, my mum explains why we are here "We thought you could choose yourself a dress as your birthday present this year." "We weren't sure what to get you." "Shut up, Jack." I can't help but laugh at my parents, I pull them into a hug "Thank you." We walk around the shop, picking up various dresses for me to try on, after an hour or so of looking, I pick the one I want, we buy it and walk back home. When we arrive home mum gets a cake out of the cupboard, it's a small ginger cake, my favourite, every year we buy this small cake, just for the three of us. We sit and eat the whole cake, we're just about to pick a film to watch when something comes through the letterbox. My dad picks it up and brings it to me "It's got your name on." I open the gold envelope, to find a red card inside.

'To Scarlet, congrats on making 23! We've got something for you, dress up and arrive at my tower at 16:30 tonight' -Tony.

Oh no, he's having a party, isn't he?

I look up to my parents, who have huge smiles on their faces "You knew!?" "Of course we did, Mr Stark came by this morning, a man with a plan, he was." We sit and watch a film, then I get ready for the party.

New York 9th June 2012: Stark Tower:
We're all hanging around at Tony's place, the music is quiet and the drinks are being poured, everyone is here, accept the guest of the night, Scarlet.

She's due here any minute now, I can't wait to see what she looks like.

The elevator doors open and out steps Tony and Scarlet.

She looks beautiful.

She's wearing an almost floor length dark purple dress, with silver lace around her waist, with a low cut front, no sleeves and from the reflection in the window I can see it has a low cut back too. She wears silver flats and as she walks nearer I notice her hair is in a nice updo, I can see silver hoop earrings and a little bit of glittery makeup.

Perfection indeed.

Time seems to stop as everyone admires her, the dress flatters her figure, she looks so confident. We're all broken out of our trances, as she giggles at our faces, which I'm sure are very funny looking, she picks up her dress slightly and walks over to us "JARVIS! Let the party begin!" Tony calls to the ceiling, the music is turned up and the lights turned down, the party lights appear and people start enjoying themselves. Scarlet reaches where we stand, she gives us a smile "Hi everyone." Tony grabs her shoulders "Don't be nervous, this party is for you, even though we invited some people you don't know. But by the end of tonight, you'll know them, they're friends of ours, people who you may spot wandering the helicarrier halls or out on missions with us, alright?" She nods.

She didn't look nervous before, but she sure does now, well done Tony!

The Avengers remain together, talking, while the people she doesn't know are introduced to her, I watch Scarlet as she is guided round the room. She meets Pepper Potts, James Rhodes, Jane Foster, along with a few SHIELD members she may or may not have met yet. After everyone has met and had a bit of a chat, pizza arrives, everyone sits around talking and eating.

I haven't had much of a chance to speak to Scarlet yet, so I'll see if I can grab her for a dance in a little while.

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