51. HYDRA Base.

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12th June 2012: HYDRA Base:
I step out of the room and close the door behind me, I sneak into the room with the computer. First I hack into the backups and delete them, I notice a box on the wall 'Break glass in case of emergency' inside is an axe.

That'll do nicely.

I break the glass, take out the axe and break the backups "Backups destroyed, let me know when you're ready for me to turn off the system." Once I hack into the system and turn it off, it'll turn off all lights, computers and unlock all doors, which is when I need to run for my life, but I need Natasha to get out first. Natasha responds "Paper copies destroyed, I just need to get out." I hack into the system, I delete what I can without the system knowing it's been hacked into, then I wait. I hear someone's footsteps growing louder, getting closer to the door. I quickly turn off the screen and hide.

It's not like they can see me, but what if they shoot before asking questions? I can't risk it.

Someone walks in and scans the room, clearly looking for someone.

They know we're here, I need to warn Natasha, but how? I can't let them hear me.

The man speaks into an earpiece, in a language I don't understand. He then starts walking around the room, looking in every part of the room, he looks right at me, but I'm still invisible. He sits in a chair opposite the computer "I'm out, shut it down." I can't respond, he'll hear me and I can't get to the computer with him in the room "Scarlet?" This time it's Steve talking "Cap we've got company incoming."

They've sent people out to fight them? Oh no!


What do I do? What can I do!? It's one man, perhaps I can take him?

I sneak out of my hiding spot and stalk towards the man, his back facing towards me. I take the gun out of my belt.

If I hit him hard on the head, that'll work right? Right?

"I think Scarlet's down, she isn't responding." "We need to get someone in there."


I slam the butt of the gun down on the man's head, luckily Natasha had shown me the weakest spot on someone's head, so I aimed for it and the man slumped in his chair. I quickly call into my earpiece "Don't send anyone in!" I run to the computer, turn the screen back on and begin to wipe everything from their system. Natasha questions me, worriedly "What happened?" "A man got in the way." "You took care of him?" "Hit him with the gun." "Good girl." I feel myself blush, I continue deleting information, after a minute or so, I'm finished. I shut down the system and at that moment many things happen, the lights go out, shouts echo throughout the facility, I hear Steve congratulating me. I feel proud of myself, I press the ear piece to respond, but I hear a bang and feel a cold pain coming from my torso. I look down to see blood. I feel my body fall to the ground and everything goes black.

12th June 2012: HYDRA Base:
The facility goes dark, the men start to panic, which gives us the perfect chance to take them down, I speak to Scarlet "Well done, Scarlet." Instead of a response, I hear a gunshot, I look around to see if it was one of my team or them shooting someone else, I do a headcount.

Hawkeye, not shot. Iron man, not shot. Thor, not shot. Black Widow is running over to the edge of the forest, not shot, but she does look nervous.

"Did you hear that gunshot over the comms?" "Yeah, no one here seems to be hurt."

Then who, was it a member of HYDRA? Scarlet had a gun on her...

"SCARLET!" Both Nat and I speak at the same time, coming to the realisation it was her who was shot "Scarlet, can you hear me?" No response, I look up to see Nat already running back towards the facility "Avengers, Scarlet's down, Nat and I are heading in to find her. The rest of you keep them off our tail the best you can." I run towards the facility at full speed, with the rest of my team close behind, they clear the way and keep them off our backs as we make our way to the computer room. I throw open the door, there's a pool of blood on the floor, a gun laying next to it. Nat and I look at each other "We need to find her." Nat picks up Scarlet's gun and runs one way, I run the other way, I let the others know what's going on "Scarlet is missing, don't let anyone leave the building, we need to find her."

After a few minutes, Stark speaks "Found her, a HYDRA scientist was running down a corridor carrying her, I've taken care of him." "How is she?" "She's alive, unconscious, losing a lot of blood. I'm on my way back to the quinjet right now." "Good. Everyone back to the quinjet, we're getting out of here." Once we're all back in the quinjet we rise into the air, Nat contacts Fury, telling him about what happened and telling the Doctors to be ready. Stark and myself are trying to stop the bleeding, I've got my hand held over the bullet wound. As soon as we get to the helicarrier, a stretcher is brought in and I'm told to keep pressure whilst she's being carried to the infirmary. We get her onto the bed and a Doctor replaces my hands with her own. Dr Banner helps out, while the rest of us are sent to the conference room, on the way I stop by the restroom. I wash her blood off my hands and join the others, they had already begun discussing, I take a seat and sit in silence along with Nat while the rest converse.

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