30. Helicarrier.

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6th June 2012: Helicarrier:
Everyone walks out of the room once they'd finished their lunches, Capsicle and Legolas are meeting up with Point Break for a mission. Natasha and Angel are still in the break room, Banner already headed back to the lab.

I should really go back to the lab, but I know as soon as I leave these gal's will talk and I'll miss the opportunity to find out what they're keeping so secret.

Scarlet closes the laptop and starts walking towards the door, Natasha's head shoots up from the newspaper she's supposedly reading "Where you heading, Angel?" I ask "To put the laptop back and go to the toilet." "Right." She hurries off towards the lab and I pretend to be busy.

I don't think I'm fooling Natasha, I can see her glaring out of the corner of my eye.

"Toodles." I send a little wave her way, which receives a glare, as I walk out of the room and round the corner. Just after the door closes to the break room it opens again, Natasha stalks out and strides towards the nearest ladies restroom.

Damn it!

She disappears into the room, a few seconds later the door opens, then closes again.

What...? ANGEL! Sneaky!

A minute or two later Natasha walks out, I assume with Scarlet following close behind, they walk down the corridor and I follow them, trying to stay hidden. I follow them round corners and down corridors.

Where the hell are they going? They're just walking randomly!

They walk into a room, I slowly and quietly make my way towards the room, when I reach the door I check to make sure no one else is around. I look in the room through the small window in the door, the room is so dark, I can't see anything or anyone inside. I push open the door, it clicks.

I hope that didn't let them know someone else is here.

I walk into the room and my eyes adjust to the dark, there is no one in the room, no other doors.

Where the hell did they go? They came into the room, but there's no other way out. What!?

I turn on the light switch and start walking around the room looking for hiding spaces, there aren't any. I turn off the light and walk back out of the room, once I'm out I hear a feminine sneeze.

Who sneezed?

"Bless you!" I shout at the air, I can't see anyone around so I assume they are in one of the rooms, I walk back to the lab to see Banner.

There's no point me continuing to look for the gals... or is there?

When I get to the lab I bring up the cameras, I watch Scarlet drop off the laptop then turn invisible and walk to the restroom, I watch Natasha as she walks into the room I entered, but I still don't see her exit and there's no camera in that room.


6th June 2012: Helicarrier:
I head towards the toilets, after dropping off the laptop.

I hope Natasha got my hint about going to the toilet.

I walk in and there she is, I turn visible and see her jump slightly "Sorry." "It's alright. We need to throw him off the scent." "Who?" "Tony. I don't feel like staying here is the best option and he's going to try and follow us, so we're going to lead him somewhere. Can you go invisible again?" I turn invisible "Alright, stay close to me, just go where I go." "Okay." I gently put my hand on her shoulder from behind, she looks at me, curiously "So you know where I am." She shrugs, we walk out of the toilets and down the corridor, we wander around quite a bit with Tony a little way behind us, trying to hide, but being terrible at it.

I can hear his footsteps, definitely couldn't be an assassin.

Natasha and I walk into a room, as soon as we're in, she runs over to a tall box and moves it out of the way, revealing a vent halfway up the wall. She pulls over a chair and pulls the gate off the front, she gestures for me to climb up, I manage it on my own. I move a few feet in and turn visible before looking behind, she crawls in and pulls the gate back over the entrance, just as she finishes the door clicks open. I hold my breath. Natasha turns to me, she silently gestures for me to keep going, I crawl as quietly as I can, but at a decent speed, turning whenever the vents change direction. Then I sneeze, I couldn't help it "Bless you!" I hear Tony's voice.

He sounds close, I think he's below us somewhere.

I look slightly ahead to see a vent looking down into the corridor below. I keep crawling, about 5 minutes after getting in the vent Natasha speaks in a normal voice, not whispering "We can stop here. No one will be below us right now and it's stable enough for us to sit here, for as long as we want." The two of us sit with our backs against the sides, right next to, but opposite each other "That was the best way to escape from him." "Yeah, whenever I want some alone time or I just want to sit and talk to Clint, this is where we come, in the vents, where no one bothers us." "This is the most exciting thing I think I've ever done." "I'm glad I brought you here then." We smile at each other, we sit and get to know each other for a while.

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