Chapter 34

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Wren's P. O. V.

Zach's family had taken us to the airport to say our last goodbyes. Myta had pulled me aside, saying she wanted to talk to me.

"I just wanted to thank you. Zach told me that you were the one who got the guys to come here with him and it meant so much to him and to us. It's been hard, Zach living in another state."

"Yeah, I thought it was sweet that that's what he wanted for his birthday. He knows the importance of family, and that's a great quality."

"Yeah, he's a keeper. Not for you of course," she chuckled.

"Yeah I get it," I laughed. I hugged her and thanked her for her hospitality, then said goodbye to Reese, Ryan, and Josh.

I sat with Jack on one of the chairs and watched as Zach said goodbye to his family.  He hugged his dad and Ryan, then picked up Reese, wiping the tears off of her face. He kissed her cheek and hugged her tight before setting her down again. She didn't let go of his hand when he went to hug his mom. She didn't let go of his hand until our flight was called. He kissed her forehead and hugged her once more before she finally let him go.

I looked over at Jack and saw that he had sadness in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I just miss Isla," he sighed.

"Aw, I'm sorry babe," I caressed his face. He gave a soft smile and I returned it, leaning in to kiss his lips. We got up and rolled our suitcases through the airport to our gate.


I was half awake, half asleep, when I felt a tingling sensation on my lips. It happened again and I fluttered my eyes open. Jack was inches from me, his adorable smile spread across his face.

I grabbed his face with both hands and pulled him back in to kiss me again.

"Come on guys, we don't have all day," Daniel said from the aisle. Jack and I separated, trying to hide our laughter. We grabbed our bags and made our way off of the plane.

"Jack! Jack!"

"Corbyn! Over here!"

"Jonah! Daniel!"

"I love you so much Zach!"

Some fans had shown up at the airport and were asking for pictures and videos. I waited patiently, snapping a few pictures for the fans.

"Okay, we gotta go," David said. He had shown up to drive us all home. The guys said their last goodbyes. Jack walked over to me and slid his arm around my waist as we walked outside.

"You've been quiet," he said in the car. We were sitting in the third row of David's car by ourselves. Jonah was in the passenger seat and the others were squished in the middle row.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Is something bothering you? Are you thinking about Em or your mom?" He asked taking my hand in his.

"No, it's not that. It's nothing Jack, I'm just tired from all the flying."

"You sure?" I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight. "Good, because I don't like it when you're sad."

I laughed and kissed his jaw line. He looked down at me with lust in his eyes before he kissed my lips.

The car pulled into the driveway and we all got out. Jack and Daniel decided to go outside and ride around on their skateboards, so I joined them. Daniel kept messing up and falling, making Jack and I laugh.

"I'll be back, my mom's calling me," Jack said. He went inside, answering his phone.

"I wish I could skateboard," I said.

"Let me teach you," he said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah!" He smiled and waved me over. I stood up from the chair and walked over.

"It's mostly about balance," he started explaining how to skateboard. I nodded and stepped up on the skateboard.

"So use this foot to push off the ground and start going," he said pointing to my foot. I nodded and started to push off.

I started rolling forward. When I got to the end of the sidewalk, I put my foot down to stop.

"Good job! Now come back to me," Daniel said.

I pushed off with my foot and rolled forward again. When I got close to Daniel, the skateboard hit a rock or something and I went flying forward towards the pool. Daniel caught me and held me close to him.  He looked into my eyes and started leaning in.

"What's going on?" Jack said from the porch. I looked back at Daniel before gently pushing him away.

"Nothing," I muttered a bit confused. Was Daniel going to kiss me? Does he have feelings for me or was it just in the moment?

"She almost fell into the pool," Daniel said.

"Mhmm," Jack muttered. "Wren, let's go inside."

I crossed my arms and walked inside with Jack. He took my hand and led me into his room, closing the door behind us.

"Jack, nothing happened," I told him.

"Sure didn't look like nothing. He was about to kiss you!"

"I wouldn't have let him!" I defended. Jack just scoffed. "Jack don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you, but now I don't know if I should trust Daniel."

"Can we just forget about Daniel? Let me show you that you're the only one for me," I smirked. He gulped and I heard his breathing become shaky as I slid my hands from his shoulders down to his stomach, then to the buckle of his jeans.




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