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My Father was a dedicated police officer, at times maybe I thought he was a little to dedicated but I didn't understand then, not properly I was only ten how was I supposed to scope the significance of his job on the level I do now.

I'm not quiet a police officer like my father but I am a Navy cop. I was inspired by my father, I joined up to the local police but I lived in a small town and everyone at the station either took pity on me because my father killed himself or they hated me because apparently that made me privileged because I didn't 'work' for my job.

That's in inverted comma's because it's a lie I worked bloody hard for that job, I didn't just fly through exams with credits like some people in fact I found it really hard but I carried on because I wanted to make my father proud.

Anyway I eventually decided to transfer to NCIS after Laura had told me it was another option, apparently dad wanted to be a marine but he didn't like the idea of leaving mum and then he had me to bring up, which he did on his own for 8 years until Laura came into our lives.

After dad died Laura had to bring me up on her own and I don't think I gave her an easy time of it but we adjusted and actually became really close.

Back on topic NCIS, I've been here for a little over 4 years and I love it. I have some great Colleagues, I won't go into details or we'll be here forever but they are life savers, literally sometimes.

Dad always used to say that there were make or break times in a career, most of them would be small but in a job like his they were more often. In his letter he described that day as his break, he couldn't possibly see how he could carry on it was his ultimatum make or break and unfortunately it was a break. The reason I'm telling you this is because this was my almost ultimate break.

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