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"How was thanksgiving with senior?" I ask Tony as we rid in the elevator together the next morning.

"Well he nearly set the house on fire, then he went out to 'clear his head' came back with a women." Tony tells me, doing air quotes around clear his head.

"So your getting a new step mum?" I question jokingly.

"Don't, It's not funny. This always happens." He replies.

"And you don't think it's at all like you?" I ask.

"No! I do not turn up at his house with my dates." He tells me.

"So was your thanksgiving any better?" Tony asks as we enter the bull pen.

"No time for gossip. Grab your gear." Gibbs instructs us.

I put down my bag, grab my bag, gun and badge and follow Gibbs over to the lift with Tony. We had gotten in earlier so I assumed that Tim and Ziva were going to be meeting us at the crime scene.

We arrived on scene which unusually was a graveyard.

"Must be a slow day in the office if were digging up the bodies now." Tony jokes when Gibbs is far enough away not to hear us.

We continued to follow Gibbs until we all came to a stop next to a dug up grave which weirdly had Jimmy inside, who was looking up talking to Gibbs who didn't seem best pleased about the situation he had gotten himself into.

"When your talking and we say your digging a hole, we didn't mean you had to do it literally." Tony mocks Jimmy.

"I didn't dig the hole Tony, The hole was already here." Jimmy tells us, causing us both to laugh.

"So What are we investigating Boss? How Jimmy got in the hole?" Tony asks.

"No we need to see if he killed the man at the bottom." Gibbs tells us matter of factly.

"What?" Me and Tony question at the same time.

"Vicar is blaming Jimmy, Jimmy says he fell. Tony, witness statement from the Vicar. Megan Photo's." Gibbs says as he wonders off. Tony goes to see the Vicar and I am left standing over the deep grave in which Jimmy is sat with a dead body. I start clicking away with the camera.

"You know I didn't actually do it right." Jimmy says giving my a heart attack.

"God you scared the life out of me, Of course I don't think you did It but I have to take the pictures." I reply.

"I was stumbling home drunk last night, I always go through the graveyard cause it is quicker, I stumbled into the hole and blacked out. That's all I remember until I woke up in here with him and the vicar was shouting at me about how I had murdered him." Jimmy tells me.

"So you don't actually remember if you have anything to do with why he is down there?" I question.

"Well No but do I look like someone who murders someone for the hell of it?" Jimmy asks becoming angry.

"Not really, I'm just finding out the facts so I can try and help you Jimmy." I reply.

A little while later we were all finished up and Gibbs had finally found a ladder so that Jimmy could get out. Although I suspect he took longer than needed to let Jimmy get his head straight, that or make him suffer a little since I saw that ladder on the front of the building as soon as we parked.

We made our way back to Ncis, Gibbs stayed behind as he insisted on waiting for Ducky to transfer the body instead of Jimmy. Jimmy wasn't aloud on the case and had to wait in the conference room whilst me and Tony had to try and explain it all to Tim.

"What?" Tim asked for the third time.

"So ... big hole in the ground... Jimmy inside...Body too...Vicar claims...Jimmy killed him." Tony says as simply and slowly as possible.

"Jimmy?" Tim questions gob smacked by this whole ordeal.

"Claims he was staggering home drunk, fell in the hole and blacked out till this morning." I explain.

"Jimmy? Drunk? Must be a lie." Tony mocks him.

"Do you not remember the one and only night we took him to the bar. He had two drinks and was hammered. I mean it wouldn't take a lot would it." I remind him.

"Why would he be drinking on a .... Thursday?" Tony asks.

"I don't know. Why don't you go and ask him?"

"Cause you are interviewing him not me." Tony replies cockily.

"What? Why me? Your senior field officer." I questioned.

"Which means I get to delegate and I don't fancy doing it." he laughs.

"Not fair, what about --"

"Tim is interrogating the pastor and Ziva well lets be honest we don't want to scare Jimmy to death." Tony informs.

"Oh yeah and it's in interrogation. Have fun." Tony adds as he walks off.

A/N - Hope you guys like it, please let me know what you think in the comments xx

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