New Director

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It's been a couple of days since I was looked over at the hospital and everything seems to be fine. Gibbs made me take the next couple of days off so today is my first day back. I walk out of the lift and enter the bull pen to see the worried glances from my colleagues.

"You Ok." Tim asks as I walk past his desk to sit opposite at mine.

"Fine." I say although it's far from the truth. I haven't slept since it happened and I've barely eaten.

"Grab your gear." Gibbs calls and we all get ready to head out once again.

"Not you Megan, Director wants a word." Gibbs tells me and I put down my gun and bag and looked up at him. The boys look over at me concerned as Gibbs stops by the lift.

"You two coming?" He questions and they race over.

I make my way upstairsand over to the directors office. I go inside and her secretary shows me through to the office.

"Agent Brown, I wanted to see how you coping after the other days events." Sheasks.

"I'm getting there, I won't let it affect my work though." I reply.

"Good, It can't be easy with the killer still out that but I know that Special Agent Gibbs will do everything in his power to catch them." She tells me. I didn't understand what gave her the right to say this since she had only been here since Kate's death.

"I'm sure he will."I replied.

"How about special agent Dinozzo and agent McGee?" The director asks.

"I'm sure they'll help too." I say unsure of what she's really asking.

"Sorry, I meant how are the coping?" She then asks.

"It's hard when you loose one of the team. I suppose they're doing as well as can be expected right now." I reply. I wasn't actually sure, I hadn't seen them much and I know they were close with Kate.

"Gibbs? How is Gibbs coping?" The director then questions.

"I don't know, Who ever knows what Gibbs is thinking." I reply becoming annoyed at the questioning.

"I want you to keep an eye on the team and we carry on business as usual." She tells me. I have to bite the inside of my lip to stop myself crying or screaming.

I make my way out of the directors office and made my way to interrogation. I closed the door and pulled the dusty sheet over the interrogation window.

I then slumped into the chair pulled my knees up to my chest and just started Crying. I was safe in here, No one could see me or hear me and I didn't have to deal with anyone.

Business as usual! Business as usual as if Kate were no one! As If I wasn't responsible! As If I didn't watch her die right in front of me.

I Must have been sat there for at least half an hour on my own before I got a call.

"Megan, Gibbs wants you up in the squad room." Tony tells me.

"Ok." I say before ending the call. I pulled the sheet down from the window and made my way upstairs. Tony and Tim were sat at their computers and Gibbs was no where to be seen.

"Where's Gibbs?" I questioned as I sat at my own desk.

"Abby's Lab, he'll be up in a minute" Tim replied.

"You been crying?" Tony then questioned.

"I'm fine." I lie

"So you have been crying. What happened?" Tim asks.

"I'm fine. Anyway I'm supposed to be looking after you guys not the other way round." I say forcing a smile in hopes that it would end the conversation.

"Who said that?"Tim then asks looking slightly confused.

"The director. She said I had to keep an eye on everyone and we were to carry on asusual." I tell them. I lean my elbows on the desk and put my head in my hands as the tears roll down my cheeks.

I look up to see Gibbs, You can tell from his face that he is angry as he walks up the stairs. Both boys notice where I am looking and watch too as Gibbs goes into the directors Office.

"Great." I say huffing a little now I'd annoyed Gibbs too.

The three of us sat behind our computers silently, I guess they didn't really know what to say and to be honest I wasn't in the mood for talking. I assumed they were doing case related stuff as they typed away on their keyboards but I soon realised I didn't know anything about the case and instead messaged McGee.

To McGee: What's the case, I never asked?

From McGee: Petty Officer Leon Milburn, stabbed multiple times. You want to check for family?

To McGee: Yeah, Thanks McGee.

I click out of the window and start typing in the petty officers name on the computer.When another message pings through.

From McGee: You ok?Business as usual doesn't mean we'll forget her.

I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself crying and I can see McGee looking at me before another message comes through.

From McGee: Sorry.

To McGee: Thanks Tim.

I look up at him and give him a small smile before continuing with my work. Gibbs comes down a little while later looking like he might have calmed a little.

A/N - Hope you guys like this chapter, please let e know what you think in the comments 💜💛

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