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"Have you got a problem?" I ask. Tony hasn't spoken to me since the day Kate died and just now he was laughing taking the mick out of McGee until I walked into the bull pen.

"Nothing." he says sitting back down in his chair with a face like thunder. That's what he's been like ever since I came back.

"No Tony, tell me how you think this all my fault." I argue back. I wasn't really angry, I couldn't be I believed it myself, no matter how many people tried to tell me otherwise.

"I just don't see how that could have happened if you were working as a team." Tony fires back.

"I was clearing behind the register, she took the back room. I don't know I went in there and he...." The day plays over in my head as I hear the shots being fired and remember the pain in my arm, I instinctively grab it which only makes the pain real.

"Megan? Megan are you ok?" McGee questions frantically as I'd dropped back into my seat.

"Look, I killed her Tony. Is that what you wanted to hear because it's true." I say raising my voice.

"No one thinks that Megan what happened is because of some psychopath that Gibbs is determined to catch. Isn't that right Tony?" Tim tries to reassure me but Tony doesn't reply.

I get up from my desk and go down to Abby's lab, I walk in to her playing some sort of loud heavy metal style music. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns it off before smiling at me.

"I was hoping you could help me do one of those facial profiles of the killer, I got a pretty good view of his face." I tell her.

"Did Gibbs sign you off to do that?" Abby asks since I wasn't supposed to be doing anything to do with that case as it was triggering bad flashbacks.

"Pllleeeeaaassseee Abs" I say with a massive grin.

"Fine." Abby says pulling up the programme up on her computer.

We must played around with the settings for about half an hour before we stand back and look at the image we have created.

"Well done Megan, you did really well." Abby tells me.

"Yeah it does look just like Gibbs." I reply. We'd started with Gibbs so I could get used to the programme and have a little fun.

"What looks just like me?" Gibbs asks walking into the room.

"This ...erm ...micro-organism." Abby says quickly shutting the programme down and pulling up one of her samples.

"well less like you more just like two eyes and a smile. So I guess it could really be anyone or even no one." Abby starts to ramble.

"Abby, what you got?"Gibbs asks.

"Well I'm trying to match a finger print taken from Kate's gun, obviously the main ones are hers, there is director Morrows presumably from when he gave her the gun and Tony's from the time that he took her gun and hid it and then she went crazy looking for it because she didn't want to tell you she had lost it." Abby began.

"Abs." Gibbs says growing a little impatient.

"Sorry, well I found another partial on the trigger and a few on the barrel." Abby tells him.

"Right, back to this case. There will be more evidence come in from the petty officers house." Gibbs says before walking out of the lab.

Me and Abby get back to work and I manage to get a good likeness of the face I saw, It did trigger a couple of flashbacks though and I nearly hit Abby in one of them so that wasn't great.

"I'm so sorry Abby."I say for the millionth time.

"What are you sorry for?" Tony asks bringing a box into the lab and placing it on the bench.

"Nothing." Abby tells him and he looks up at her with a frown.

"Here's your evidence." He says before going to leave the lab but gesturing for me to follow him.

"I know we don't exactly do apologies on Gibbs team but this morning. I was wrong to be so hard on you. You did everything you could for Kate." Tony tells me.

"Well you should stick to the rules. You know I thought I could count on you to always see the truth but I guess your just like the rest of them. You and Kate were the closest, you had to be because for a while you were the only two on Gibbs' team but it seems like your not bothered about what really happened to Kate otherwise you would believe me when I told you I killed her." I say getting angry.

Tony shakes his head and then glares at me before walking off. He takes the lift I presume back upstairs, I couldn't face being up there around them all at the moment so I went back into Abby's lab pretended like nothing had happened and offered to sit and help her although I'm guessing I was more of a hindrance since I didn't really know what I was doing.

A/N - Hope you guys like this chapter ❤

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