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It's been six months since I started going to my therapist. I'm slowly working through everything. I know my PTSD can't be 'cured' there is always a risk that things will trigger it especially given my line of work but I am learning to cope and to trust those around me.

I walk into work after my latest session, Gibbs gives me a weary glare which meant he wanted to know how it had gone. He had always had this way of asking without saying anything and I had always appreciated it since it meant I didn't have to share with the whole team if he hadn't gone well.

I shake my head a little showing that my session hadn't gone well. We had started discussing my father and how is death had effected me as a child. It was a really hard session, I've never spoken about my dad's death.

"Paperwork for now." He tells me.

I log on to my computer and start typing up some reports from the other day.

"Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs." Abby hurriedly shouts.

"Yes Abs?" Gibbs asks.

"Official Pre thanksgiving plan written up." Abby tells him.

"Pre thanksgiving plan?" Tony questions.

"Well since your seeing your dad and McGee's with his family. We are having a pre-thanksgiving dinner at mine the day before. Like a second thanksgiving but before the first." Abby explains.

"Why do we need a plan abs?" Gibbs asks.

"Well I've had a bit of time on my hands, so I thought we'd meet at mine at 6. Drinks and then dinner of course. Here everyone gets one." Abby says handing out a piece of paper to everyone.

"Thanks Abby" I say as she hands me one. I was actually quiet glad Abby had done this for us, Since I wasn't going to be seeing anyone for thanksgiving.

"Gab your gear, dead naval officer." Gibbs tells us which surprises me since I never saw him take a phone call. We all grab our gear and make our way down to the cars. Gibbs and Ziva take one car, me and the boys in the other.

"So what are you doing for thanksgiving then?" Tim asks me

"Erm Going to Abby Thanksgiving spectacular." I say waving around the piece of paper which I failed to put down when we were getting ready.

"I meant the actual day. You seeing family?" He asks.

"No." I reply a little sadly. Dad was at the forefront of my mind today after my therapy session this morning and now all the talk of thanksgiving.

We arrive at the crime scene, shooting at one of the recruitment offices. Ducky and Jimmy start with the body whilst me and Tim go and talk to witnesses.

"He was sitting there giving advice to a young lad who wanted to join the navy. David wasn't just about signing them up, he'd talk through their family issues that lead a lot of people to want to join the army. Just today he was telling the kid that he should be with his family." One of his colleagues tells us.

We continue the interview and then once the whole team is ready we make our way back to the navy yard. Ziva takes the evidence to Abby while the rest of us go upstairs and start doing some digging on the victim.

"These are for your families." Abby says placing a box of what I assume are cookies on everyone's desk apart from Tony.

"What about Senior? He loves your cookies" Tony asks.

"Couldn't trust you not to eat them. Seniors coming in to get them" Abby tells him.

"Well since Megan's not seeing her family I think you should make her share them with us." Tony replies.

"Your not seeing your family?" Abby ask seeming shocked.

"No, haven't spoken to them in a while." I explain.

"Yeah but it's thanksgiving. You have to call them." Abby tells me.

"I don't think that's a good idea Abby." I reply a little sheepishly.

"I doesn't matter what happened, you should be with your family at this time of year." Abby tells me.

"What you got?" Gibbs calls making his way into the bull pen and saving me from a lecture about family I was more than likely going to get from Abby.

We start revealing our findings one by one. There wasn't much to go on just yet but Tony had come up with a possible lead.  

A/N - I love writing this and am currently obsessed with Ncis like its my happy place 😂😍 Hope you guys like this chapter xx

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