Rule 39

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I walk into the interrogation room where Jimmy is sat. He looks nervous his bottom lip quivering and he's rubbing his hands on his trousers probably because he is sweating.

"You don't have to be nervous, we just want to ask you a few questions about what happened? Why were you at the graveyard?" I asked him.

"I had been out with some friends and I always go through the graveyard as it is quicker." Jimmy states.

I gathered the usual information, who he had been out with, where they had gone, times and everything and then came the more difficult questions.

"How did you end up in the hole?" I asked.

"I was walking through the graveyard, It was pitch black and then I fell over and I must have passed out because I don't remember anything until this morning." He replied.

"So do you know petty officer Clark?" I ask showing him a picture of the man in the grave with him.

"No, I've never seen him before until I woke up this morning." He replies.

"What happened with the pastor?" I then question.

"I woke up very confused about where I was and how I got there. I noticed the man on the floor behind me, I did some observations but it was obvious he had been dead at least a couple of hours. Next thing I know the pastor is standing over the grave shouting about how I killed him." Jimmy explains.

We continue to talk for a while before I have to go off and check his alibi and try and work out what happened with the help of Abby and the rest of the team. I walked into the bull pen, Abby, Tim, Tony and Ziva were all stood round the big screen looking glum.

"What's happened?" I questioned with a little sigh.

"Jimmy's finger prints are all over the body, there were also signs of a struggle." Abby tells me.

"Great, is there any chance this hasn't got anything to do with Jimmy. Wrong place, wrong time?" I questioned.

"A coincidence?" Tim asks.

"No such thing." Gibbs says coming into the bull pen.

"Rule 39, Got it." I replied.

Well Interrogating Jimmy was only going to get harder if we had to start thinking of him being involved somehow.

"CCTV." Gibbs asks.

"Pastor is refusing to hand it over unless we obtain a warrant." Tim tells him.

"Then we get a warrant McGee." Gibbs replies.

"On it Boss." Tim says sitting down at his computer.

It's a while before anything comes through and we are back and forth talking to Jimmy and the Pastor to try and work out what has gone on. We know the pastor is definitely hiding something but we can't be sure of anything until the warrant comes back.

I'm in interrogation with Jimmy once again when he begins to breathe weirdly.

"Jimmy are you ok?" I ask deviating from the questions I was supposed to be asking.

"Umm, Yeah I will be fine. My chest is just hurting." He replies.

But his breathing becomes more rapid. I take out my phone and call Ducky, asking him to come upstairs.

"Ducky will be here in a minute. Try and slow your breathing." I say moving round the table to sit beside him. We talk about Breena and their thanksgiving to try and take his mind of it while Ducky checks him over.

"Sounds like a collapsed lung, it will have been slowly deteriorating over night and this morning. I will drive you to the hospital." Ducky tells him.

Ducky and Jimmy leave without another word. I leave interrogation and make my way out to the bull pen.

"What did he say?" The boys question.

"Not much, His lungs collapsed so Ducky's had to take him to the hospital." I reply.

"What did you do to him Meg? it was just a couple questions you weren't supposed to land him in the hospital." Tony jokes.

"I didn't do anything, we were just talking and then his breathing went all funny and he was having chest pains." I explain starting to worry.

"Hey, Meg I was jut joking. Jimmy will be fine." Tony says.

I can't take in what he is saying, the worst has already entered my head. Of course this is all my fault, I have caused Jimmy to be taken to hospital. It was Kate all over again and there was nothing I could do about it.

Tony's POV:

"Hey, Meg I was jut joking. Jimmy will be fine." I tell her.

However it's like she shut down, He lip began to tremble, she stared of into the distance. Not answering us. I walked over wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly which is when she began to cry.

I knew about PTSD because we had interviewed and interrogated Soldiers many times but that day I learnt how simple the triggers could be for Megan. My joke had thrown out the idea that she could be responsible and in her head that meant she was. Like she believes she was responsible for what happened to Kate.  

A/N - Please let me know what you think in the comments xx

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