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I'm getting ready for Kate's funeral in the toilets at work, we've all decided to get changed here and go together rather than going home. I put on a little bit of make up and fasten the Butterfly necklace around my neck that Kate had given me at Christmas.

I pull myself together and exit the bathroom going back into the bull pen where Abby, Tim, Tony, Ducky and Jimmy were waiting.

"Just waiting for the director and Gibbs." Tim smiles.

We all keep looking at our watches until the director comes down 5 minutes later which is when we needed to leave but Gibbs still isn't here.

"Director Shepard do you know where Gibbs is?" Ducky asks the director.

"Last I heard he was attending to business." The Director tells us.

"Business more important than Kate's funeral?" Tony questions angrily.

"Jethro would never miss a funeral." Ducky says placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"I'm sure he'll meet us there." He then adds.

We all go downstairs where two cars are waiting to take us to the funeral. It is a small gathering but all Kate's family and friends are there. Before the ceremony starts we all take our seats. Gibbs just about makes it and sits with us. The ceremony is beautiful and on the way out we all drop a rose on the casket and walk away.

That afternoon we take 2 cabs and set off home. The director, Ducky, Jimmy and Abby in one and me, Tony, Tim and Gibbs in another. We all sit silently in the back of the car until the driver asks for our addresses and I give the navy yard since I wanted to go back and finish off some work.

"Come on Meg you can't work on a day like this." Tony tells me.

"Well what if working is my way of coping." I snap back.

"It's not healthy, you work all day, you stay later than all of us and I know you've slept there before. Killing yourself looking for Ari isn't going to help anyone." Tony argues.

"I have not slept at work." I lie a little embarrassed now.

"Enough, Megan go home get some sleep. Ari's dead." Gibbs tells us.

"What?" We all question looking over at Gibbs as the car pulls up outside his house.

"Ziva's transporting his body back to Tel Aviv." Gibbs says before getting out of the car.

"I thought Ziva came over to stop him, Mossad aren't going to be happy." Tim mumbles.

"Well she's clearly not too good at her job." Tony replies.

The car drops Tony off then Tim and then me. I fiddle with the keys trying to fit them in the lock to my apartment as my hands shook. This was the first time that I had been alone since the day I was shot at. I'd slept at Tim's twice and the other 2 days I slept at work.

I entered my apartment and checked all the rooms, just the way I left it. I look through the cupboards and manage to throw some stuff together to make dinner. Then I head off to bed, It wasn't late but I was exhausted since I hadn't been sleeping properly lately.

We're all back at work, we've been called out onto a case at someone's house. We all bundle into the van, Ducky and Jimmy in there own Van and The directors come with us since it is a special case. We arrive on the scene a man stood over the body with police on scene already. Ducky and Jimmy get to work on the victim. Tony and Tim are busy while I am taking crime scene photo's out the corner of my eye I see what I think is Ari but I put the thought to the back of my mind. He's dead it can't be him. He comes over and grabs my arm pulling me out of the house and then


A bomb's gone off in the house. I hurry inside along with police, all dead. I'm the only survivor.

I wake up from my nightmare sweaty and crying, I just got my whole team killed. If I had told someone I thought it was Ari I could have saved them. I could have saved Kate. I take a cold shower since I had been sweating and put on a clean seat of pyjamas. I tried to get back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw his face. I saw Kates face and then I saw them all dead in that house.

Instead I turn on my laptop and put on one of my favourite shows. I soon fall down a rabbit hole which is the internet and before I know I've watched nearly a whole season and it's time for me to go to work.

A/N - Please let me know what you think in he comments xx

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