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Rebecca turned up nothing, apparently he was just asking her for directions to the petrol station up the road which he did visit and then headed home.

I start combing back through all the times that I he went to the shop and then I combed through all of the footage of him when he was lingering near by the shop. Gibbs was even in the process of trying to get the CCTV from inside the shop although we didn't really have much grounds to get it on since we hadn't seen Ashley in the shop.

I had spent hours combing through the footage almost my whole day, I had watched it and re-watched it what felt like a thousand time over. I needed a break so I got up from my computer and went over to the vending machine, I had to hit a couple of times to eventually get my candy bar out.

When I went back over to my computer I saw Tim peering at the screen.

"What's this?" He asks seeming a little alarmed.

"Oh just the footage from the shop. Don't worry Tim I only left to get a candy bar." I say thinking he is over reacting to the fact I left it on my screen while I was away.

"No, What's that on the dashboard. It looks like a picture of a women." He tells me.

I throw my candy bar on my desk and sit down in my chair pulling up the picture on my screen. Tim was right but as I zoomed in the realisation set in.

"Is that--"

"Laura" I whispered.

I took my phone from my pocket and clicked on Laura's contact but it never rang. I tried calling the house phone but it went to answer machine. My last ditch attempt was putting Matts name into our database and finding his number that way. I called him and luckily he answered.

"Have you seen Laura?" I question quickly before he could put the phone down.

"What? Who is this?" He questioned.

"It's Megan, Megan brown, Laura's step daughter. When was the last time your saw her?" I questioned.

"Thursday, I am away on business at the moment. Is she Okay? Is Aiden Okay?" He questions back.

"I can't get hold of Laura at the moment which is why I called you but I am sure they will be fine. Have you got a number for Aiden's school so I can check in on him?" I ask.

"Yes, I will text it to you." He tells me.

We hang up the phone and he texts e through the number. I immediately call it on my phone and ask them about Aiden they are reluctant to give over any information so I am going to have to go down to the school to talk with them.

Me and Tim finally arrive at the school which is an hour away from the office by this time I am a complete an utter wreck. We walk in and go straight into the heads office.

"I'm special agent Timothy McGee and this is Special agent Megan Brown." Tim says as we show our badges.

"We are enquiring into a pupil named Aiden Richards. Did he come to school this morning?" I asked.

"Yes." She replies.

"Is his mother looking after him at the moment?" Tim the asks.

"We are not aware of the day to day lives of our pupils but yes he does live with his mother." She tells us.

"Well we have reason to believe that his mother may be in danger so could we talk with Aiden to see if his mother was present this morning." I ask.

"Of course, I will go and get him now." She says getting up from her desk and leaving.

"You Okay?" Tim questions once she has left the room.

"I'm scared Tim, what if she wasn't home?" I confide in him.

"It's going to be ok Megs, we are going to find him." Tim tells me.

It's a little while before the head returns with Aiden in tow.

"Eugh what are you doing here and who is that? Your boyfriend?" Aiden asks clearly repulsed by our being here.

"No I'm special agent Timothy McGee, we are here to talk to you about your mum." Tim explains.

"What? Why? You know her as well as I do." Aiden replies a little more confused and scared then he was when he came in.

"Aiden, when did you last see your mum?" I ask.

"This morning obviously. Why?" He questions back.

"We are just looking into a few things, what happened this morning." Tim then asks.

"Dunno, Came here. Is mum in danger?" He says bluntly.

"Can we speak with Aiden on his own. Just a few more personal questions." I ask the head which Aiden agrees to so she ends up leaving.

"Aiden, We believe that your mum could be in danger so if she wasn't home this morning then we need to know so we can look for her. Your not going to be in trouble I promise." I reason with the twelve year old.

"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't see her last night. She wasn't due home till 9, I thought she was just late at work. Our neighbour was looking after me and then this morning she wasn't in so I told them she had probably just gone on a run. I didn't want to get her in trouble." He says a few tears rolling down his cheek.

"It's Ok, we are going to find her." I reassure the boy who I had never even got on with. I gave him a hug and then we continued to talk.

"Your coming with us into protective custody." I tell Aiden.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I can protect myself." He replies.

"What against a killer?" I question.

"There ain't a killer for god sake." Aiden replies.

"Get out to the car or will drag you there myself." I tell him.

"Dare you." He says with a smirk.

I grab hold of his arm and march him out of the room Tim following behind us.

"Let go of me before you ruin my reputation." He argues.

"You should of thought about that before you dared me." I reply.

"This is police brutality." He shouts.

"I'm your sister this does not count as police brutality." I fire back.

"Let me go." He continues to argue until we get to the car.  

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