New Case

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"Grab your gear!" Gibbs shouts as he comes into the bull pen writing something on a piece of paper while we all grab our bags, badges and guns.

"Dead petty officer, little creek park." Gibbs adds as we make our way over to the elevator.

We arrive at the park and a member or the public who phoned it in is going to show us where she found the body. Well that's what she said but we aimlessly wander the park for about an hour still no closer to finding the body as she can't remember the route she took.

"Are you sure it's this way?" Gibbs asks as politely as possible but we're all frustrated.

"Yes, I'm sure this tree looks familiar." She replies.

"That'd be cause we've already walked past it about 5 times." Tony mumbles sarcastically earning a glare from Gibbs.

"Wait didn't you say you were running? Do you track your runs?" Tim asks.

"Yes I have an app, I found the body around mile 2, ran straight back to the shop so I could report it." She replies.

"If we look on your phone we should be able to find the location." Tim suggests.

"Wow, couldn't of thought of that an out ago could you McGeek." Tony says through gritted teeth with an unamused look on his face.

"McGee do the thing with the phone and hurry up." Gibbs tells Tim and I laugh a little on the inside at how technophobic Gibbs is.

Tim puts down all the equipment he has been carrying and the women hands over her phone. He uses the App to find her running path and within about 10 minutes we are walking the path she took. It doesn't take us long to find the body.

"Petty Officer Claire Peyton." Tim tells us as he uses the finger print scanner.

"Duck?" Gibbs asks.

"5pm." Ducky tells us.

I look at my watch and notice the time, Gibbs looks over at me and then down out his own watch.

"It's only 4 duck." Gibbs tells him.

"Her watch, it's stuck at 5pm. Time of death is a day ago most likely just after 5." Ducky explains.

"So she fought with her attacker?" Gibbs questions.

"She does have a few defensive wounds." Jimmy replies.

We use the app to get us back to the car park and then we set off back to the navy yard where Ducky and Jimmy take the victim to Autopsy. I take the little evidence we have to Abby and then make my way back to the bull pen as Gibbs is assigning jobs.

"Megan, Background." Gibbs tells me before walking off.

I sit down at my desk and start working. Gibbs returns a little while later and we all crowd round the big screen.

"Petty officer Claire Payton. No known family, next of kin is a Sarah Hillman who shares a house with on base." I tell Gibbs after the boys have finished.

Me and Gibbs are going to the next of kins house, Gibbs is driving since he refuses to let anyone else drive. We approach the house and ring the door bell, no reply. Gibbs knocks loudly and I go to the window to see if there is anyone inside. I see a dark figure, average height brown hair and I panic. My heart starts racing and my breathing shallow.

"You see anything? Megan?" Gibbs asks before leaving the porch to come and see what's happening.

"You Ok?" Gibbs asks coming over to me.

"Sorry I panicked." I say as we walk back to the porch where the women is now standing at the door.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"NCIS special agent Gibbs and Agent Brown. We need to talk about your friend." Gibbs replies.

She lets us into the house and we tell her about Claire, she's shocked and understandably distraught. Her boyfriend the dark figure from earlier comforts her and we leave the house a little while later.

"Why did you panic when you looked through the windows?" Gibbs asks as we walked to the car.

"I saw a dark figure, brown hair, average height. I thought ...I thought it was Ari." I reply truthfully.

"Megan, Ari's dead." Gibbs tells me.  

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