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Sana's pov

"Study your notes for tomorrow, we'll having a long quiz.  That's all, class dismissed."

As the teacher went out I stood up and fixed my things. I then heard Tzuyu's phone rang. I glanced at her when she answered the call. But she stood up and walk a distant from me.

I didn't bother and just walked out the room. As I'm walking at the hallway I heard a lot of people talking about what club they should sign in. I sighed and went to the library instead.

Looking for a biology book I heard some bunch of laughters at my back.  I took a glance at them.


Greeted the girl with the lightest skin that I bumped with a while. I smiled and wave my hands to her.

"Hi! " I greeted back and continued looking for the book but then someone patted my back.

"Looking for the biology book? "

I looked at her before answering. I nodded and say "Yeah, but I can't find it. " she giggled and handed me a book of.....  Biology?

"I'm reading this too, but I'm already done so you can borrow this time. "

I smiled and took it.

"Thank you, BTW I'm Sana and you are? " I offered my hand and she quickly took it.

"I'm Dahyun and I'm with my friends if you won't mind you can share with us! "  when she flashed a bright smile, gives me no reason to say no. I nodded and she guided me with her friends.

"guys, she's Sana. The transferee, right? " she asked me and I nodded again. They all say hi to me as I waved at them.

"Introduce your name please! " Dahyun said.

"okay, I'll start first.  Hi, I'm Park Jisoo  but you can call me park Jihyo."

The one with the bangs and big eyes said.

"Im Nayeon here, the cutest maknae. "

"Son Chaeyoung. And she's kidding, she's the oldest. "

Everyone laughed except Nayeon. I chuckled.

"Hirai Momoring! "

"Yoo Jungyeon!"


"Mina the show will start in a minute, let's go! "

I looked at the one who cut her. I stared at her face while waiting for Mina but she maybe doesn't notice my presence.

"I thought, it will be at 1 in the afternoon. " Mina asked and quickly fix her things.

"I don't know too but the principal---"

"Okay ,let's go! " Mina cut her and they run like a flash. "Auh! That two, I swear they will be together soon. They are so close! "

I looked down as jihyo said it. What is this? I'm not hoping she's Tzuyu right? Yeah, she's not the Tzuyu I love.

I composed myself and started reading but I can't concentrate. I closed the book and asked.

"Hey, where do you think the two going? "

They all looked at me.

"Their usual place, theatre room." Jungyeon answered. I nodded and stood up. "Oh? Where are you up to, Sana-ssi? " Dahyun asked.

I froze and think for an answer.

"I... Ahm... S-still don't have a club to sign in. I just think of signing in the Music and Dance art." I answered stuttering.  I sighed and smiled at them.

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