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Sana's pov



*scroll again*

"Auh! I can't sleep! "

I hissed and stood up. I went to the terrace to take some fresh air. This village is so peaceful and nice.

I looked at the house just right beside ours. Their lights are still on. Then my eyes suddenly landed on their gate.

My brow twitched, and again I feel heavy inside me.

I saw Tzuyu talking with someone. I focused my eyes to the girl she was talking with and I realize it was seolhyun.

Seriously?? Midnight hours?

I bit my lips when Tzuyu laugh. I looked down and decided to get inside. Tsk.

Why do I feel this? I don't like her, do I?


This can't be. I'm still waiting for the real Tzuyu I love.

I lay down again and tried my best to closed my eyes but I can't.


I grabbed my phone and played games for about an hour. Auh! What the hell, still I'm not sleepy?

"is Tzuyu and seolhyun still there??"

I asked myself and took a peek at their gate. I saw seolhyun waving goodbye at her.


You better go home.

Stop being like that Sana!

Suddenly my foot lead me outside the house. I didn't notice that I'm already in front of Tzuyu's house.

"aish, pabo Sana... "

Should I knock or just Nah?

I closed my fist and and sighed.

"I will just bother you if I did so... Goodmornight tzu---"

"Sana-ssi? "

I froze.

I closed my eyes and bit my lips. I got caught. Now, think of any reason, Sana yaa!!

"T-tzu... Hi... "

I said awkwardly. I looked away when she looked at me like asking 'why are here in the middle of the night? '

I fake a laugh...


"A-ha.. Haha... J-just... Pass by...."

Please believe me... Please...

She nodded slowly, I know she's not satisfied bout my answer.

"Okay, I'm going to the store blocks away, wanna go with me? "

I literally nodded many times like an idiot. She chuckled and walked pass me. I run a bit to catch up.

"why are you still up this hours? " she asked. I glanced at her before answering.

"I can't sleep.  How bout you? " as I answered I asked back. I saw a hint of smile from her face. I then remembered that seolhyun visited her a while.

Right. Maybe she's happy because of that.

A bitter smile formed on my lips. Bruhh...  Stop liking her...

"Me too. I can't sleep. " she replied.

A silent mode filled our atmosphere. Then a cool breeze of wind blown.

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