13. Moving Closer

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Sana's Pov

"Hey quack! Are you tired?"

I heard Tzuyu asked and held my elbow to sat on the rock not far away. I sighed. I want to stop her from being too caring because I may misunderstood it and will confess again surprisingly.

But damn, my heart can't stop from smiling. It's just that, looking at her seriously like that makes my heart melt in no seconds. To be honest, I'm not satisfied for what she said that I don't love her and I just love her name. I know I'm starting to build something special for her but I don't know why I didn't fight for what I felt.

Maybe she's right but maybe not too.

"Here drink some water! "

She handed me a bottle of water and I quickly took it and drank. We are now in the middle of the mountain for our new activity.

"Thank you and BTW I thought Dahyun will be with me? Why is it you? "

I asked, and yeah, it's bothering from the start. Dahyun told me that Tzuyu will go with seolhyun the whole three days but why is she here with me?

"Why? Don't you like it? "

She asked and pouted. I bit my lips and looked away. Well, that was heartshaker.

"n-no I was just... W-wondering??"

Oh very bright Sana, stuttering with an unsure answer, you hella genius .

"Aww...  Well to be honest I exchanged a partner with her..."

Well this creeping me out the hell with unknown feeling. 

"for what reason? I thought you like it to be with her? "

I asked. Trying to asked the right question for her to answer what I want to hear.

Chiz, my heart is beating so fast...

"I like her, yeah. But I think at this point you are more important than her..."

As she said that, she then leaned closer to me leaving an inch apart. Oh god, I can't breathe. She's so beautiful that I can't stand it staring at her for long, I may pass out. Help me!

"Tzu... "

"Shh... I can't take off my mind what you have said last night... I know, a part of your feeling is really for me. But not fully... Sana... "


It's like a music to my ears. It's rare for her to call me that and I want to scream right now. I want her to call me that everyday we see each other accidentally but Nah, I love the way she call me quack.

She moved even closer leaving only one inch apart. Oh god, why I can't move? Why can't I push her instead there's something on me wanted to pull her.

"B-but I mean what I said last night, Tzuyu I'm tel---"

I paused when she hushed me to stop.

"You are not sure, and don't you think it was too fast? We just met few weeks ago and... and... "

I know why she stopped. She's now staring at my teared eyes then she cupped my face to wiped it, I smiled weakly and held her shoulders.

"So what if I just met you few weeks ago?... Tzuyu... you know we can make it slowly... j-just t-tell me...if I do have a chance... please... j-just tell m---hmmp... "

My eyes literally widened as I froze trying to sink what is happening.

She... She's k-kissing me??

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