28. The rendezvous

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No ones POV

3 years after***

Tzuyu sighed while putting her cold hands inside her padded jacket's pocket. The snow was pouring down the city in Europe while she's walking alone with her camera.

She can't believe that it's been three years, no contact to everyone. She lived alone, sometimes, if she felt like crying she will quickly stood up and told herself

'No...nothing happened...move on'

But her heart always oppose on what she wants to think. If there's still pain, there's still love and she hates herself because of that.

She walked towards the side bridge while looking at the river.

"The river looks like me. Cold, deep, and alone. "

She fake a laugh but a tear fell down making her crazy.

"Why do I still have this betrayal tears, huh?! Shit shit shit!!"

She shouted. Wiping her tears is her hobby for three years.

She then decided to go back to school no one greeted her, no one even knew she exist. She will just pass by everyone and like nothing they are. She became antisocial , she became cold, rarely speak and a doll. She became the center of attraction before because of her beauty.

She was about to go on her locker room when someone stop her.

"Professor?" She asked. The guy smiled and handed her a forms.

"Give this to a girl inside the library now. We recruited another student from Japan." The professor said and Tzuyu hesitatedly took it.

"Yes, professor." The professor patted her head and walked away. She sighed again and walk to the library. Her heart pump fast instinctively. She doesn't know why, but she have the urge to open the forms.

The library was big and she forgotten to ask the name. She looked around looking for a Japanese beauty but seems like no one is. She sighed and was about to go out when a book fell down and a girl panicked behind her.

"Ow ow...Aish..."

Tzuyu slowly turned to the girl and her heart pump fast rapidly. Her eyes starting to get watery as soon as she saw the girl with blonde hair, high nose bridge, thin lips and clumsy as the person she loved still.

Her knees weakened as the girl stood up. She's waiting for the girl to face her, the pain was still there but love was more stronger.

"Why am I so clumsy,huh?"

Tzuyu smiled mentally and looked away. She decided to open the forms and her eyes widened 'Minatozaki Sana'.

The name she never forgotten even tho she want to. The girl in front of her she thought will love her. The girl she thought she owned.

Tzuyu walked away and asked someone to give it to Sana. Her tears started to fell down once again, her heart broke for the nth time.

She walk back to her suite and distracted herself for so many things until her eyes getting heavy. She sleep under the warm comforter for almost 6 hours.

She woke up and cooked something for herself until someone rang her door bell.

Her brow raised up knowing there's no one ever rang her bell living in her suite for three years. She lowered the gas stove and walk towards the door. Slowly, she press the knob and her eyes immediately darted to a girl standing right In front of her.

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