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Sana's Pov

*beep beep*

I quickly stood up and picked up my phone at the side table wearing my unconscious smile. Today Tzuyu and that seolhyun would go out or should I say will go on a date.

I'm not mad or jealous or what. I am just having this uncomfortable feeling whatever they might do.

I opened the message and eventually smiled lively

From: JagiTzu❤❤

Good morning, I'm off to meet seolhyun now Jagi. Eat your breakfast and I'll see you later. Bye.

I want to jump on to my bed right now but I have no time for that. I can't stay still and just think of what they were doing while dating. I sighed.

I throw my phone on the bed and grabbed my towel to take a bath. I just wore a jeans and white shirt with black hoodie.

I'm not ruining their privacy or their time alone, well maybe just sort of because I don't want someone to ruin my relationship with Tzuyu but don't ever call me possessive or selfish just think that this is for fun. Kekekeke...

I picked up my phone, pouch, and shades. Well, I have to disguise myself for a simple reason. And that is to follow after them.

I run downstairs making my parents looked confused but I smiled at them and kissed their cheeks.

"I'm going out Mom, Dad, bye! "

"Wait! Do you still have extra mo---"

"Yes! I'm in a hurry dad, bye! "

I run out but suddenly stopped when I remember I should commute.

"Aish. I don't know how to ride a bus and train neither. " I scratched the back of my head and stamped my feet while walking back to the house.

"Psst! "

I looked around as I heard someone calling me and their I saw Dahyun and Chaeyoung whistling while walking towards me wearing their tease ful grins.

"A-are you both calling me? "

I asked as I looked at my back wondering. They nodded in sync.

"None other than Sana eonni. " Dahyun answered and put her arms around my shoulders same with Chaeng and  so I looked at them confused.

"So why? " I asked. Chaeng leaned closer to my ears and whispered.

"Are you planning to follow them Sana-ssi? "

I froze.

I bit my lips when they both smirked cornering what ever answer I might say so I just nodded and gulped.

"Don't be sad. We're here to help you. "

They said and I smiled instantly.

"Really? Yah, thank you. I'll treat you both later. "

I said while jumping like a kid. They then laugh and pulled me inside their car. I was amazed on how Chaeng drive smoothly and cool.

"You really look so innocent Sana-ssi I wonder why Jjuw---i mean Tzuyu like you when in the first place she likes a person with mature attitude than her. "

Dahyun said while chuckling that made me pout. Tzuyu likes a person with mature attitude? So that means if ever she find someone with that attitude she will like them right away? No way, jagiya~~~

"You're right Dahyunnie. "

Chaeng added. I pressed my lips and picked up my phone but then I put it back and asked them

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