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Sana's Pov

10 minutes more and the class will end. Where is she? I can't listen since her presence disturb me. That jerk!

"Sana?  Are you listening? "

I swear Chou Tzuyu, I'll tear your head later.

"Minatozaki!! "

I startled when I heard my name shouted by the teacher. I bit my lips and looked down as everyone laugh at me.

"you're not listening. Detention, later after your class in the afternoon! "

I stood up and took the paper she handed me. I bowed and apologised.

"I'm sorry miss! "

Aish, you're in trouble, Minatozaki! 

The class continued but there's no Tzuyu showed up. I stood up and went to the cafeteria to ate my lunch.

"Take your heart?? You jerk! " I mumbled and sat at the corner alone.

I told you you should stay away from her. Look what you're feeling now.

I lazily smile and took a spoon of rice with soup.

"I heard Mina and Tzuyu will have a tour in the other schools. Woah, I envy them so much, even other schools supporting them. "

I put down my spoon and listen to the conversation at my back.

"Really?  So they'll going to be absent for weeks? "

I crumpled my fist as I heard it.

Auh! Why am I pissed?

I stood up and leave my food. I went to where I can breathe peacefully. Absent for a week? It'll be a long days for sure.

"Sana please stop. It was just a name..."

I closed my eyes and composed myself for a minute.

"Tzuyu...  Please....  I miss you so bad... Where are you? "

I said out of the blue. I feel like crying everytime I miss her.

"Do you love her that much to say that? "

I opened my eyes and I saw the person I wanted to fade at the moment. We're staring at each other when my eyes landed to her lips.

"Quack! Tell me, does my name affected you a lot? "

I feel like melting with that sweet voice. My heart jumped so I closed my eyes and composed myself for the second time.

Yeah, your name affected me so much. Like I was given a hope for the wrong person.

I nodded and looked away. I heard her sighed.

"Then tell me what to do. Should I stay away or.... Stay with you! "

I was surprised when she said that. I looked at her, she's still staring at me awfully.

I shouldn't fall in love with the person  in front of me. I love the Tzuyu, I promised to be with. So yeah, she should've stay away.

But a part of me say I shouldn't. I should let her stay.

"think of it. I have to go, I still have something to do."

She stood up and walked away leaving me undecided.


I went to the library and I saw Dahyun with her friends again. They told me to sat beside them so I did. I'm quietly reading the book while my mind thinking about what Tzuyu said. 

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