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Sana's pov

"Mooommm! Where's Tzuyu? I miss her so muchhhh! "

I whined while rolling myself on the couch like a kid. They shook their heads while grinning at me.

"YAH, Tzuyu lives just right beside ours. You can go there. "

Sana pouted while looking at her phone.

"They aren't still home since last Saturday and she didn't even went to school since Monday. Daaaaddd, did she left me too? "

I think I was too paranoid. I quickly shook my head trying to tell myself that it wasn't. But a childish tear escape.

"Sana are you crying? Tss did you try to contact her ?"

Dad asked and started to worry. I nodded.

"But no answer even once. " I bit my inner cheeks and hugged the pillow beside me.

"Maybe she's bu---"

My Mom was cut off when the door bells. I pouted but then stood up. Hoping it was Tzuyu. As I opened the door, a tall girl with a man sized bear stood in front of me.

"Good morning Sana-ssi! "

I froze. My heart fluttered as I saw her.

"YAH! Where did you go? "

I screamed and quickly hugged her. I miss her so much. She stiffened and hesitated to hugged me making me confuse.

"I miss you, Sana... " she said and hugged me back. My heart suddenly beat unfamiliary.

"Sorry for not letting you know what happened to me, the thing now is I came back and I want to ask you on a date. "

She's smiling but the smiles she have feels like new to me.

'Auh what am I thinking?  She's right. She's already here and that's all that matters. '

"Tsk. I need a lot of explanation Chou! " I glared at her but she just smiled and her eyes were totally cold. It's way too different cold the last time. What's wrong?

I bid goodbye to my parents and went out with Tzuyu. I don't know but she always used to pat my head or clung her arms with me before but she just guided me outside still with her cold face.

"So where do you want to go? " she asked. I can feel that she's a bit shy though I can't see on her face. Auh why do I feel she's not Tzuyu?

"You always brought me some where I don't know and you never asked me that before, you forgotten Jagi? "

I asked. She looked surprised when she bit her lips and looked away.

"ahm-... I... I just realised that it was a bit disgusting. I want to know where do you want to go from now on. "

Did she just stutter? Tsk. I shrugged my shoulders and just clung my arms to hers.

"Anywhere Jagi. " I said and smiled to her.

She smiled back. Her cold aura makes me remember someone, someone I have to forget.

Tzuyu's Pov

"How long will she going to use my name eonni? " I asked Mina while looking down. I'm on her house since I need someone to talk to.

"I don't know. She said she'll going to take everything slowly. Are you Okay? " I stared at her eyes making her confuse.

"No I'm not Okay and so I should ask you if you're Okay too? " I said. She looked away and force a smile.

"I don't know. I think we just feel the same way. Broken haha"

She fake a laugh. I grabbed her hand and hugged her. She need this and also me. Yeah, we both need this.

"Yah, you really know me a lot Tzuya. " I hugged her even tighter when her voice slowly shaking.

"Yeah, sometimes I keep thinking that it's better to like you Mina eonni but your heart belongs to my twin. How lucky she was right? " I can feel that she stiffened for what I just said. She let go of the hug and showed her gummy smiles.  I smiled too.

"Let's go out! We don't need to lock our self here just because we're broken. " I laugh.

"Eonni, I can stole her away from Jjuwi if I want to. "

I said seriously. She froze and worriedly stared at me. I smiled

"How can you say that, Tzuyu? " she asked curiously.

"Because I know and I can. "

I stood up and grabbed her hand out of her house. I handed her my helmet and she wore it with a smile.

"I know Jjuwi is with Sana right now having a date. Sana thought I'm the one she's with so I hope you'll think that I am Jjuwi too. " she slapped my arm and giggled.

"No need! Tzuyu and Jjuwi is way too different. I rather think of you as you and nothing else. Now get in and let's go. " as I get in my bike she then sat behind me.

"I'm not afraid to take her and tell her that I am the Tzuyu who confessed 10 years ago, eonni. " I said and her gripped tightened.

"I know. But don't ever do that. Your parents will be dissapointed. "

I fake a smile.

"I don't care anymore. I already did it many times and I already feel ashamed many times. This one is not rare nor new but I can fight for her because I know. She loves me more than her. More than the Tzuyu she longing for 10 years ago and that's still me. "

A tear suddenly fell down.

"You really fell hard, don't you? " I heard Mina eonni giggled.

"Yeah. And I think she's the only one I can win over Jjuwi. "

"If that's what make my Baby Tzu happy, I'll be there for you. "

I smiled. Now, finally someone didn't budge to oppose on me. I feel relief though.

"Thank you eonni. "

She hummed and just hugged me tight once again.

If everyone is a bit confused. I'm sorry. I'll make everything clear soon. 😂
I'm listening to Statue while writing.

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