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Sana's pov

When I heard the door's bell I quickly stood up and opened the door while smiling ear to ear. I don't know, but my smiles never fade since this morning when she called me and asked for a date today.

"Jagiya ~~~" Tzuyu greeted sweetly wearing her usual lively smiles with dimples that I adore so much but it didn't took so long and she became serious.

"Get in! " I said with mixed emotions.

What's with the sudden change of mood?

"No need. Let's just go now. " she said and pulled me outside. We went to the subdivision's park and we sat under the tree.

"Tzuya are you Okay? " I asked while hugging her. She seems so down and her serious face makes me sad since yesterday and I can't stay still not knowing what is it?

She shook her head and stared at me making me confused.

"Sana... Do you... Know me well? " she asked. I raised my right brow and stared back at her.

"ahm-... N-not so... But I know you're kind, jolly, you always smile, you're a good person and I will be glad knowing you more while loving you still. "

I smiled when she smiled. She hugged me back and pulled me closer to her and cupped my face gently.

I bit my lips as she stared at my lips. I can't believe the Tzuyu in front of me feels the same way to me. She's too gorgeous and near perfect.

"I wanna ask you something Sana... "

She asked staring at my eyes. My heart suddenly beat so fast unfeeling well.

"W-what is it?? Yah, ask something I'm comfortable to answer Jagi. " I whined but she's too serious so I looked away and just nodded.

"Sure, what is it? " I asked while pouting. She held my face and turned it to her. I can't stop my heart from beating so fast. So I took a very deep breathe.

"What if... W-what if the Tzuyu you were looking for... I-is me? "

I froze.

Does she mean to ask it?  Or she was just really wondering. Cause I actually don't know what to say if it's true. I shook my head and fake a smile.

" I won't ever believe that. I can't deny the fact that you have the same ears, the same eyes and the same hair but I know you're way too different. You always smiles ---"

She cut me off.

"so your telling me you love me more than her, right? "

I smiled and nodded at her. She smiled but she turn back her cold face again.

"But what if... The person you were longing for is my... My... T...---"

"CHOU Tzuyu! "

We looked back and we saw Nayeon eonni with Jihyo. They glared at her making Tzuyu looked down, I looked at them confused.

"Why are you here? We're going to dad's house now. Let's go! "

Nayeon said and walked closer to us. She smiled at me so I smiled back.

"What? Why? " Tzuyu asked.

"She's back! "


Tzuyu's POV

"Good morning Ms Tzuyu and Ms Nayeon " the maids said and bowed at us. I bowed a little and walk pass them. I can feel how my heart beat so fast feeling nervous.

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