12. Heart Pound's

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Sana's Pov

I can't stop myself from crying out loud. Oh god please help me,  where is Dahyun?  Where did she go? I didn't brought my phone with me, what should I do?  It's getting darker and I'm getting scared

"DAHYUN!! HELP! " I shouted but there's no response. A tear fell down my eyes.

Please, not again... I'm scared.

I tried to remember the place we passed by to go back but my mind is off and I can't recognise it.

Shit, why now? Come on work out!

I slapped my head and cried. I'm so scared, this is the second time I lost in the middle of nowhere, I don't know how to find my way out of here, my knees were trembling as my heart beats so nervous.


Tzuyu's POV

"What's wrong here Ma'am? " I asked the assistant principal when I saw everyone were panicking including her as I went out of my room.

"Oh god Tzuyu! Good thing you're safe but your members... Dahyun and Sana were lost! "

I closed my fist and looked away.

This is my fault, the map is in me I should've gave it to them.

"Where are you going Chou Tzuyu? It's dangerous outside, the rain is too heavy and---"

I cut her

"I should find them, I have the responsibility. "

"No!  Stay here and let's just wait for the rescuer to save them! "

I mentally rolled my eyes.

What if something wrong happened with them?  How about Sana?!

"Tzuyu!  The principal is right calm down Okay? "

I heard seolhyun said and lead me to the couch . I took a deep breathe and stayed quiet for a moment.

It's been almost 30 minutes before the rescuer came.

I stood up and quickly asked them.

"Where's my friends?!" I asked while pulling the rescuer.  He looked down and shook his head slowly.

No way!

"Helpless Stupid! "

I mumbled and quickly run out of the resort and went to the forest. I don't care if the rain pours so heavy I should've find them as soon as possible.


I shouted. I feel so cold but i ignored it, they are more important Sana is more important. I promised her dad to take all the responsibility to her.

I walked in the middle of the forest, it's too dangerous and I'm a little bit scared. I just hope there's nothing bad happened to them.

"SANA!!! "

I shouted again and I feel like my voice will fade in any minute because of the cold breeze.


I can feel how my heart pounds so fast when I heard her voice slowly cracking... S-sana...

"SANA??!! Where*cough*... Are you? *cough*.."

I then heard a sob not far away from me.  I wander my eyes and followed where the sobs is. I'm getting weaker because of the rain and cold air but I should find Sana first before I pass out.

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