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Authors POV

"I think its time to go. Go take a bath I'll wait for you here so you can go to school after." Tzuyu said while fixing the boxes of food they ordered. Sana pouted and stopped her from what she's doing and gripped on tzuyus arms not letting her go.

"I don't want to. Just stay here and just go tomorrow, pweaseeee~~~"

Sana did an aegyo making tzuyu gulped while looking away.

Shiz that was so cute

Tzuyu thought.

Sana then push tzuyu back on the couch and cuddled with her.

Tzuyu just smiled and let sana do what she wants. Sana even kissed tzuyus cheeks many times making her blushed.

But not long after Tzuyu stood up and sana glared afterwards

"Miss Minatozaki, I Chou Tzuyu never thought that you're so clingy and sweet but I hope when I ask you out you'll be more sweeter and clingy to me but for now please your Jagi needs to go."

Sana blushed and pouted in embarrassment but she pulled tzuyu once again.

"Amp! Fine but you'll be back tonight, pleaseeee" another aegyo and other gulped from Tzuyu.

"Aish, do I have a choice? But... Promise me too that its only me. Call me selfish, but you're mine." Tzuyu smirked and pecked Sana's lips then smiled then pecked again the pecked and pecked and pecked until sana covered her mouth to stop Tzuyu.

"Enough now, my lips are thin---"

"But its soft and I like it."

Sana blushed again and again covering her face making Tzuyu laugh of her cuteness.

"So I'm waiting!" Tzuyu said. Sana stared at her confused

"Waiting for what?" She asked.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes and immediately received a pillow on her face.

"Aish, promise me!"

Sana then giggled and hugged tzuyu.

"I don't need to promise you. Because I'm confidently beautiful with a heart to choose you and that is because I love you."

Tzuyu smiled and mouthed I love you too to sana.


"Where did you go last night, Tzuyu?" Tzuyus dad asked while his eyes was on the papers in front of him. Tzuyu went home and directly went to her dads office and apologized but as she entered her dad spoke instantly.

She bit her lips and played with her fingers.

"I...I stayed at Sana's house." She answered honestly when a thought occurred.

What's the point of lying? I'm near confronting them.

Her dads brows raised up and looked at her with fire on his eyes.

"Tell me you didn't tell her anything to our pl---"

Tzuyu heave a deep sighed and cut her dad off.

"I already did!"

Her dads fist crumpled as he slammed it on his desk showing how mad he was but Tzuyu looked away getting some strength to say all the words she wanted to. She doesn't care of what will happened next even if it will affect her future but she still hope to end up good as far as she wanted it to be because they are still her family and she loves them

"How could you?! Are you aware of what you've did, Tzuyu? Why did you tell her?!" He shouted making Tzuyu startled but she calmed herself down again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.

"Why?! Tell me or else ---"

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER! I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER ... And I'm sorry because I betrayed you and disappointed you again..."

Tzuyus eyes were started to fill with tears and flows as soon as it getting heavier. Her dad froze and throw a glare to her but then the door opened revealing the shock Jjuwi.

"W-what...did you say?" Jjuwi asked. Tzuyus heart started to pump fast as she glance at Jjuwi.

"I love her---*slapped* "

A sudden hard slapped she received as her mother get inside. The red mark was clearly shown as her head went sideways, tears fell, her heart was real hurting. Never expected to received it from her own mother, but you know what's more worst? Receiving another hurtful words.


Her mom shouted while pushing her out. She manage to smile even though it was too shameful and heart breaking words she ever received.

"Yeah, I am stupid. I am retard. I am just a big disappointment and a big disgraced. I know! Cause I already heard it a hundred times ever since. I never done good and honor? I always did but you two always take it for granted. You never knew cause your eyes was on Jjuwi only. If you just knew---"

Tzuyu was cut off when Jjuwi stopped her.


Jjuwis eyes were begging not to tell them but Tzuyu ignored her knowing it will just worsen everything.

"I am the reason why Jjuwi pass the Harvard entrance exam. I am the one who's answering her assignments back then, I always gave way to her and I always tried to understand why you both keep on hiding me before. But hearing all your words that slapped that I never expected gave me enough reason to burst out. I never felt loved from my parents, neither my twin. I keep on understanding and did what you all always told me...but I think I had enough... I had enough of letting myself hoping for a day you'll once laid your eyes on me and not only with Jjuwi....

....and just for once... I'm asking you to please...let me stay with Sana..."

Everyone froze as Tzuyu left them. Her parents trying to sink in everything they've heard and their eyes started to be heavy. Her moms hand starting to shake can't believe on what she did and everything in their past flash through their minds.

Tzuyu stared at the clouds while her tears were flowing continuously .

"Good thing you're up with what I feel come on, pour down now , I need you"

Tzuyu said asking for a rain to pour down. Her mind was thinking randomly while walking doesn't know where to go.

"Is it okay not to care about them anymore like what they did? Because ... I am tired of understanding..."

The rain feels too heavy like what she feel right now. The clouds surely wanted to embrace her so she pour down what she wants. Tzuyu smiled when she feel the cold.

But suddenly she felt a pair of hands wrapped around her causing her heart to pump fast in sweet rhythms.




My book 'pleasure' was already out. You can check it out If you're interested. Its still a satzu Story but with mature scenes prohibited to kids. Please read it on your own Risk.


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