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(From now on, I will use my PoV)

Tzuyu's side. 💙

Tzuyu were packing her things when Sana suddenly pop on her head. Then a question brag her mind.

"Will she go? " she asked herself.  She then peek at her window where Sana's room face hers. Sana's lights were off that made her wonder.

She then grabbed her phone and dialled Sana's number. It took 3 rings before she answered.

Quack, are you done packing? 

Not yet... I'm tired.

Tss... Stood up, I'll be there.


Tzuyu hang up the phone when Sana started to protest and packed her things more faster. After that,  she went to the kitchen first to look for her sister nayeon.

"Eonni, I'm going out!"

Tzuyu shouted to nayeon while she's busy cooking for their dinner. Nayeon startled and Tzuyu receive a hard punch from her sister.

Tzuyu just laugh and run out.


She heard nayeon madly shouted her name but she just laugh and went to Sana's house were just beside theirs.

She pressed the door bell and Sana's dad showed.

"Oh hi Tzuyu! " Sana's dad greeted her. Tzuyu bowed a little. "Good evening, Sir. I just wanna help Sana pack her things,can I get in? " Sana's dad smiled widely to her.

"I thought you both are not in good terms??  You even ignore her last Friday! I saw that. Sana even locked herself in her room from Saturday to Sunday. "

Tzuyu bit her lips and feel shy afterwards.

"Ahm... She asked me to stay away from her, you know...  Argh... I really don't know her reason sir... Hehe... "

Sana's dad laugh of Tzuyu's cuteness. Little did they know, Sana is just in her dads back. Sana giggled silently.

"Hmm... I will let you in but please...  Take the full responsibility for my daughters safety to the trip. You know,  she don't have close friends yet. "

As Sana heard it from her dad, half of it she wanted to thank her dad but at the same time she felt embarrassed, still.

Tzuyu nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry! "

As Tzuyu replied it, Sana eventually bit her lips while screaming inside. She doesn't know but she feel fluttered as Tzuyu said it confidently.

Sana panicked as she heard the gate slowly opening. She's about to run when her dad caught her.

"Sana? You like what you heard, don't you? " her dad smiled teasingly.

She widened her eyes and act innocently.

"h-huh?... I... I heard n-nothing dad... " she answered stuttering. Her dad laugh of her cuteness.

"Tzuyu is here, but you look so messed look at your hair! "

He said and patted Sana's head that made her pout. Tzuyu looked at her from head to toe and giggled. Messy hair, short shorts, white plain and simple shirt.

Not bad...

Tzuyu thought.

"Quack! "

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