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Sana's pov

I'm about to walk outside the gate when I heard people fighting.

"Yah Yah Yah!! Stop it! It hurts argh... Yah! "

I opened the gate and I saw Tzuyu beaten by... Nayeon ssi?

"No! You're going to fix your bed first! Go back to your room! "

Nayeon shouted while pinching her ears up. I chuckled when Tzuyu groaned in pain.

"I'm going to be late... Ahh eonni... Please stop... "

Tzuyu begged but nayeon seemed to hear nothing from her.

"Okay fine, just let me go, I'll fix it! " Nayeon did what she said and smiled crazily. I'm just looking at them without any sound. They are so cute. But why are they together.

"Yah!  CHOU TZUYU!!!"

I silently laugh when Tzuyu run away while sticking her tongue out of her. Nayeon glared and groaned in frustration.

"Auh! I swear you'll going to pay for this kiddo! --oh hi Sana-ssi! " she greeted so I smiled at her. I bowed a little and started to walk on my way.

I looked at Tzuyu's back. I saw her putting on her earphones while walking peacefully. I sighed.

Looking at your back makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Tzuyu!! " 

I looked at the one who called her. I saw Mina carrying two lunch box while walking towards Tzuyu.

I stopped.

Mina handed her the blue box with a cute smiles plastered on her face. I bit my lips and shook my head.

Tzuyu smiled and took it.

"Thanks! You're the best minari."

Tzuyu patted her head like a kid and held her hands and walked together.

I gasp and walked too.

I just wish I won't regret everything.


Tzuyu's pov

"I'm going off Minari... See you later. " I said and waved at Mina she hummed and smiled. Cute.

"Just don't forget, we'll having a meeting later! " she said before turning away.

I glanced at my back where Sana is. I know she's been there since at home. I ignored her as what she want.

I have no choice. I don't like seeing people hurting.

I went straight to my room and sat on my seat, everyone were playing their own stuff, I just let them even though I am the president of this room well the school too.

The door opened and Sana show off. I just look at her cold and looked away. I checked the time.

"Everyone! Clean your messed. " I shouted, they then run to where the box of broom is.

"Hey! Are you mad? " I looked up and I saw Sana staring at me. I shook my head.

"I'm not! I'm just doing what you want! " I answered. She nodded slowly.

"Thank you---"

"Tzuyu! Someone were looking for you! " someone shouted. I looked at her and stood up.

"Gotta go! We'll having a meeting! See you around! "

I said casually and went out the room. I heard her sighed before I got out.

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