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Author's POV

"Dad,Mom I'm going to tell you something! "

Sana started while biting her nails out of nervousness while her parents just looked at her with a face ready to listen. She sighed.

"What is it princess? " Sana's mom asked and held her hands.

"I... I'm secretly having a relationship with Tzuyu mom, dad. "

Sana's mom mouth hanged open while her dad smiled like he won on a race or a bet or such a probability. Sana's mom can't believe what she just heard since she knows how her daughter longing for Tzuyu.

"You mean Tzuyu you met 10 years a---" Sana cut her off.

"No mom. She's not the Tzuyu I was longing with she's different and... I think... I love her---no I really love her mom. "

This time it's her eyes who widened. Trying to sink in everything suddenly Sana's phone vibrated sign that she got a message and it's none other than Tzuyu.

From: JagiTzu❤

Hi there pretty... See you later at school.

To: JagiTzu❤

Eh? Aren't you supposed to fetch me here?


Sorry, I just received an urgent meeting here in the council. I gotta go now. I love you... Jagi.

As she read the last text she smiled like an idiot and ate her breakfast ignoring her confused mom.

"Good thing you have the best taste princess. I like her for you actually and tell her to grab sometime and have some bond with us. I think your mom will like her too. "

Sana's smiles widened endlessly.

"Of coarse, I should thank her why my princess is obviously hyper and... Inspired. "

They laugh and ate their breakfast peacefully meanwhile Sana was obviously in a hurry since she's too excited seeing her so called 'jerk' to 'crush's before and now her 'love'.

"can I go with you mom, dad? "

Sana asked while putting all her things on her bag and get ready.

"Sure princess" her mom replied.  She smiled and hop in the car after 15 minutes they arrived and Sana quickly kissed their cheeks and went off to the council room. She have nothing to say though she just wanted to see Tzuyu.

She's about to open the door when she heard someone shouting madly.

"You're doing below the belt how can you say that's it's Okay, Huh?!" Jungyeon shouted while glaring at Tzuyu. Sana heard it and she bit her lips closing back the door and sighed.

"I think they're talking about something I don't know. Auh! I'll see you later Jagi. "

Sana mumbled and pouted.

Meanwhile inside the council room.

"Yeah, and all that you did was wrong at the first place Tzuyu! Are you out of your mind?! " nayeon shouted too making Tzuyu flinched and rolled her eyes.

"Nayeon eonni lower down your voice and will the both of you please calm down? " Jihyo said a bit annoyed of the two but they shook their heads and turned Tzuyu to them.

"You kissed her second times. You acted bubbly and hype and it is not just an act it's you Tzuyu. You were not acting you're being yourself and that is not Jjuwi it's you Tzuyu." nayeon shouted again but Tzuyu and the others just keep their silenced.

"You should be cold. You are not good in sweet lines. You are shy. You are not clingy and you shouldn't be expressive but what you did is totally opposite. Didn't we talk about this since then? Jjuwi and Tzuyu are way too different but you have to act like you both are just one. " Jungyeon added and massage her forehead.

Suddenly a tear wanted to escape on Tzuyus eyes but she stopped it and just gripped on the pen she was holding tightly.

Mina approached her and rub her back for comfort.

"Can we continue this the other day eonni? " She asked but again Nayeon and Jungyeon stubbornly shook their heads.

"No! I want to tell her the worst part she did! " Nayeon gritted her teeth while saying it making Mina closed her eyes in annoyance.

"eonni plea---"

"Tzuyu! You didn't told her that you are the Tzuyu in her past making all the plans scattered on nothing. What should we do now? Huh?! What if your twin will find this out? " Tzuyu clenched her hands and bang the table in front of her.

"I'm sorry! I... I... "

Tzuyu stopped and closed her eyes and there the tear wanted to escape succeed.

I love her too...

"I'm sorry eonni's... It's my fault I'll tell her soon. "

Tzuyu said and walked out pulling Mina with her outside. They walked faster not minding the people around them.

"Tzuya!" Sana shouted and stood up but Tzuyu and Mina didn't hear her and just quickly get inside the music room locking the door.

"Tzu... "

"Are you mad too? I'm sorry I just can't control my feelings too... "

Tzuyu cried and hugged Mina instantly.

"I'm not. Nayeon and Jungyeon eonni just didn't know what you feel that's why they are mad but me, Dahyun and Chaeng we understand you Tzu... We knew everything but we are not mad. "

Mina hugged back for comfort making Tzuyu sobbed even more.

Meanwhile Sana was trying too hard to peek at the window as she wanted to know what Tzuyu and Mina were doing inside when suddenly Dahyun and Chaeyoung came and poke her butt making her startled.

"o-oh h-hi... Mushies... "

She greeted with a tease unintentionally making the two glared at her.

"Are you peeking out Tzuyu again? "

Chaeyoung asked while her right brow raised with a teasing grin same with Dahyun making Sana surprise and bit her lips.

"He-hehe.... Shh... I... Gotta---"

Sana was about to run but then the door opened revealing Tzuyu with a cold aura.

But deep inside of Tzuyu was arguing to act bubbly and keep her cold expression. She's too soft when it comes to Sana but she have to, she needs to.

"J-jagiya... "

Tzuyu wanted to let out a smile but she stopped herself when she saw nayeon and Jungyeon walking towards them.

I feel stupid and selfless. This is too unfair and biased. But I am only Tzuyu and not Jjuwi who they praised the most. I am just a person like this. A big Stupid.


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