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Tzuyu's pov

"YAH! Eonni, I will just go to Sana's house just right beside ours. Promis it won't take long! " I raised my right hand while doing my cutest puppy eyes to her just hoping it will work out.

"Nope! Look at the time it's already 10 pm for god sake Chou Tzuyu, they're already sleeping and you can meet her tomorrow. " I pouted when she nagged while shooking her head ignoring my cute eyes. "Auh fine fine! I hate you! " I muttered jokingly but then I received a poke on my head.

I glared at her.

"YAH! I'll tell this to jihyo eonni, you bunny ugly! "

When she's about to punch me I quickly run my life to my room and locked it. She bang the door real loud but I just laugh at her. I picked up my phone and dialled my Jagi's number.

After 2 dials she answered it finally.

Jagi! You're still up?

Obviously yes that's why I answered your call, right?

Yeah right. So... I just call to say that... I want to see you. Can you please open your window facing mine?

Wait... Here we go... Tanaaa~~~

Hahaha you're so cute. Can I go there?

Uh-oh... Nah... Everyone were already at their dreamland. Let's just stay here and stare at eachother's eyes. Come on!


I waved my hands to her and when she waved back I flied a kisses to her that made her laugh.

I think I have enough now, I'll see you tomorrow. But hey, you'll going to wait for me if ever you woke up early Okay?


Yes what? I just realised, I didn't hear you said Jagi to me since yesterday. Don't you like it?

Uh no!  I like it but... I'm kinda... Err... I'm shy...

I smiled while chuckling.

Come on,  say it!

Say what?

Say 'good night Jagi! '

I heard no response after I said that. I pouted.

Uhh stop pouting, fine. G-goodnight..  J-jagi...


I laugh when she immediately closed her window and hung up the call. She's shy I can see that. And it's just so cute to be honest.

"well good night Jagi. "

I mumbled and closed my window too.

"Uh hey bunny eonni, I gotta go now. Bye---*aww*" I was about to run when she throw a shoes right to my arms. Argh this heavy hand monster.

"You should eat first, CHOU! Comeback here! "

She shouted that leave me no choice. I sat down beside her and ate what she have cooked. I can't deny that she's good when it comes to cooking or whatever. She's good at everything anyway. I quickly finished my food and drank my milk.

Yeah milk. I was just force to do that.

"Bye eonni, thanks for the breakfast! " I said and about to walk out again but she stopped me.

"Dad and mom will have a dinner here with us, better if you'll going to let them meet your soon to be girlfriend. "

I gulped 3 times before sinking it in to my head. Dad and mom?

"ahm-mm... I'll think of it later. Bye"

I run out before she'll going to say things might bother my mind again. I grabbed my bike and took two helmets for our safety. I put the indigo helmet to my head and started to paddle.

And there I saw my Jagi waiting patiently at me while kicking her foot endlessly and her two hands on the strap of her bag while pouting.

I smiled. She's so cute.

"Hey can I put you on my pocket? You're so cute! " I greeted her with that but then she adorably jumped and walked towards me.

"nope. But you can keep me yours. "

She said and that made me looked away trying to not blush with her words.

"o-okay, put this on your head and sat behind me, Jagi! " I said, she followed and put the helmet on her head and sat behind me. "Uhm... W-where should I---" before she could finish her words I grabbed her hands and wrapped it around my waist.

I leave a smile before I started to ride my bike.

"Hm. I think I'll be on the council room the whole day, quack. If it won't bother you, you can go there and have a lunch date with me. Don't worry no seolhyun in there!" I assured and I heard her say 'Amp'i giggled

"Just make sure. I'll be there in break and lunch time." she said while pinching my tummy a little. I don't feel tickled so I just let her.

As we arrived, a lot of students started to have a conversation while looking at us and then glared with Sana. I sighed when Sana loosen her grip and quickly took off the helmet. I can feel that she's a lil bit upset as she noticed it.

"Tzuyu, I think we should act normal here. Maybe they will think that we're dating. " she shyly looked down as her voice slowly fading. Instead of agreeing I held her hand. It's not like we really aren't are.

"Nope. Let them think what they want. We shouldn't adjust ourself for where we are comfortable with. Don't worry, I'm on your back. "

I assured her once again and she then show a cute smile revealing her optic white teeth. We walked together to our room and talked for a while before I head to the council room.

As I get in. Mina eonni greeted me first and put a cup of coffee in my table. I smiled and drink.

"So... I heard there's a really big progress from you and Sana Tzu. And last night twinnie said few weeks from now you'll going abroad and she'll be back here. Are you Okay with that?  I mean---"

I cut her off as I held her hand. I smiled sincerely and nodded

"Don't worry eonni. That's my dream remember? I'm just hoping that she'll going to take care of Sana, you know Sana longing for her almost 10 years. But I am worried since we have different personality and yeah, we're totally different. " I said but she shook her head.

"That's not what I mean Tzu. "

"then what eonni? "

She looked like taken a back as she bit her lips.

"You like her too, right? "

I stopped as my heart race so fast. I don't know what to say.

"I-it's just a... I was just infatuated... Eonni. "

She nodded and sighed.

"Okay, you're my Lil sister Tzu. I know what's on you. And I know that you like her too. "

I froze again, as she left I gulped 3x while thinking of what she said.

"Yeah, I like her. But she's meant from someone she's longing for almost ten years. "

I mumbled and closed my eyes.

Lame. Huhu. I really wanted to quit writing, I just wanted to read. I'm sorry if I updated so late. And sorry to say this, but, my MiTzu vibe is back.

I just wanna asked. (answer please, truth only)

*Is this book boring or lame or no jam or should I gave up this one? *


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