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My POV~~~

They are currently heading to their room after they hiked the mountains for almost 8 hours for their activity as they walked together at their room Sana can't stop smiling along with Tzuyu who kept on glancing at the latter. Tzuyu were thinking how to start a conversation since she can feel a little awkward. She then cleared her throat and look at the girl.

"quack! "

She called that made Sana stopped immediately while grinning.

"Yes?" Sana replied while keeping her smiles but failed.  She just can't stop smiling knowing she have this special commitment with Tzuyu. "Hm. I hope you won't mind if... If I... " Tzuyu paused as she felt a little shyness towards Sana. "If you what? " Sana asked patiently looking at her. Tzuyu smiled and intertwined their hands like a flash.  "If I do this. " she finally uttered the words successfully. Sana were shock as her heart beat ran so fast and her cheeks started to reddened. She looked away as she bit her lips trying not to scream out of fluttered.

"I know we're not yet a couple but I just wanted to show you my affection towards you. And... I am willing to court you Sana just make sure, I'm the only one you will spend your yes with. "
Tzuyu said while caressing Sana's hand. They both smiled to each other but then Sana shook her head that made Tzuyu feel uneasy.

"No! " Sana said and lean closer to Tzuyu who looked so shock for what Sana did. "We'll going to court each other. And your yes will for me only and mine vise versa. " Sana said and kissed Tzuyu's cheek. Tzuyu then gulped trying to calm herself down.

"You quack! Will be mine soon! "

Tzuyu whispered to Sana's ear and pulled Sana to their room. 

"Start packing up now, we'll going home tomorrow and I want to talk to your dad, Jagi."

Tzuyu said and winked.

Oh gosh!? Jagi?!

Sana thought and quickly looked away avoiding Tzuyus grinning face.

She got me there!


Sissy, bought me some snacks please.

Auh, I have to go to Sana's house, I can't go to the store eonni, maybe next time.

Sana?! Oh how is it with her?  Dahyun told me something~~~

Auh please shut up, I'll talk to you when I got home.

Cool, let's talk about it later,  sissy!  Bye bye, take care, remember eonni loves you so m----

Whatever keep your love, I love you too bye.

*toot toot toot*

Auh! This kid is so random but I love her still haha.


"Jag---Quack!  Let me help you!"

Tzuyu said in shock when she saw Sana with seolhyun. She still don't want to tell seolhyun about this.  Not because she fell out of like but because she's not yet ready to tell everyone what's with her and Sana.  Sana let her took her bag while seolhyun was glaring on her at the moment.

Sana just smiled faintly and followed Tzuyu who's heading to the bus they were assigned leaving seolhyun a little bit confused.

As they found the designated bus for them they then went inside at sat beside each other. "Are you Okay, Jagi? " Tzuyu asked that made the latter blushed she then giggled and held Sana's hand. "Let's just be like this when we're not around seolhyun." Tzuyu continued but Sana looked at her confused. Tzuyu sighed and pinched Sana's nose. 

"I think seolhyun assumed that I really like her though I really WAS. I just want to take it slow to avoid her from hurting I hope you'll understand me Jagi,  trust me! " Tzuyu assured and smiled sincerely to Sana who's madly blushing right now because of the 'Jagi ' part. Tzuyu again giggled and rested her head at the smooth board.

"Thank you... " Sana mumbled and kissed Tzuyus cheeks earning a confuse looked from the younger one. "For what?" She asked and Sana smiled pointing Tzuyu's deep dimple. "Thank you for liking me back. I just wish we'll get along to love sooner." Tzuyu flashed a very bright smile as she heard it from Sana. Their both hearts beat in sync while staring at eachother's eyes.

"Of coarse. We'll get along with that. Jagi! " Tzuyu replied and caress Sana's head to lean on her shoulder. Sana secretly screamed inside. The impact of Tzuyu's words is not ordinary for Sana's ears.

After 3 hours they finally got home. Tzuyu hesitantly took Sana's hand as she still feel shy towards Sana. Sana was surprised and suddenly clenched her teeth while looking away.  "Auh!  I hate this, can we stop being awkward to each other?" Tzuyu said and caress Sana's hand gently. Sana smiled and nodded. "We'll going to used at this Tzu Tzu! " Sana did an aegyo that melt Tzuyus heart instantly. "Let's get inside,  dad were waiting for us. " Sana said and pulled Tzuyu inside that made the latter confuse.  "I told him you'll go here."

Tzuyu nodded and stretch her arms to open the gate they then get inside as Mr Minatozaki were waiting for them at the couch. As they finally get in Mr Minatozaki stood up and greeted who's smiling to each other widely.  Mr Minatozaki's brow raised up as he can see the sparks in his daughter and Tzuyus eyes. He cleared his throat.

"Ahem. " that made the two looked taken a back as Mr Minatozaki were crossing his arms to his chest. "What is the meaning of this? " he asked that made Tzuyu bit her lips meanwhile Sana were smiling, knowing her dad he will never ever oppose to her happiness. "Hm... I... I j-just confess that I... Like her... S-sir..." Tzuyu stuttered as she feel so nervous. Sana tightly gripped on Tzuyus arms trying to calm the latter down.

"I think I'm the one who confessed first dad or let's just say that we confess to each other ..."

Mr Minatozaki smiled secretly. He like Tzuyu for his daughter at the first time he saw her. He nodded and walked closer to Tzuyu.

"Is that so? " he asked coldly making Tzuyu flinched. Sana wanted to laugh as she felt how nervous Tzuyu is at the moment. "y-yes... " Tzuyu answered.

After 30 seconds Sana and Tzuyu heard nothing from him. Tzuyu took a glance at him.


Mr Minatozaki were smiling widely at them that made Tzuyu looked shock.

"Then call me Tito from now on! "

Mr Minatozaki said and hugged Tzuyu instantly while laughing crazily.

"Wait I'll call your mom Sana, I won the bet!  Horay!!" he said and pulled out his phone. Sana giggled and let Tzuyu sat on the couch. "Calm down now!  Haha. " Sana said and kissed Tzuyu's cheek again.

"Geez I can't! I thought he'll going to eat me... "

And that made Sana laugh endlessly.



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