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Tzuyus parents is on their deepest thought while they are on the way to Tzuyus school. Silence filled the car together with Jjuwi, no one spoke, guilts drown their whole souls while thinking about their daughter since she was young til now.

"Ma'am , Sir, we're here." The driver said. The couple glanced at each other and stared at their daughter's school. They didn't even knew that the school their daughter's been studying was one of the most honorable and well known school in the country.

Jjuwi looked down as she dreamt to study there before.

"Let's get in." He said and stepped out the car. They took a very deep sighed and went straight to the deans office.

As the door opened the dean greeted them first and told them to seat.

"So, Mr and Mrs Chou right? "

The two nodded. The dean smiled at them.

"Oh, Hi Miss Tzuyu!" The dean said as he saw Jjuwi standing behind her mom. Jjuwi gulped.

"Hi...b-but I'm not Tzuyu. I'm her sister Jjuwi." Jjuwi said making the dean looked surprised.

"Oh really? I didn't knew bout that. As I have known Miss Tzuyu , she's kinda bubbly and open but I never thought she never open up about you but anyways, you both look so pretty and I guess, both talented and Responsible."

Jjuwis  parents looked surprise why the dean knew a lot from their daughter. Guilt was clearly shown on their faces.

"So why did you came?" The dean asked. They gulped and spoke.

"I want to take Tzuyus forms." He said making the dean shock.

"But why? Your daughter was doing well. She's running for the top this year, I'm sorry but I can't lose her for the sake of our school."

The dean said and the couple once again surprised together with Jjuwi.

"S-shes what?" The mother asked. The dean raised his brow with a thought 'how can they not know about their daughter's achievements'

"I guess you both doesn't know but to tell you this parents should know how to deal with their child especially your daughter. Chou Tzuyu is the most responsible student leader. I envy her so much, she already represent the school many times, she always got gold medals in academic making me wonder why if she's still a human. All students in this school respect her being the school president. And I was about to call her now sending her a very good news. "

The dean smiled at them and pulled out an envelope under his desk.

The married couple looked at the envelope and slowly took it. As they read what's inside, their mouths hang open while their eyes were glued on it.

"Three international schools was waiting for her. Not just international schools but most highly educated, geniuses and fancy people are recruited. Your daughter is rarely one of them. And for that, I want to congratulates you both."

Tears suddenly fell down their eyes and all the shameful words they throw upon their daughter hit them real hard. Jjuwi closed her eyes and gulped many times.

"Are you okay now, Tzuyu?" Sana asked and covered Tzuyu another blanket as she was sick after the rain.

"Hmm. Thank you for taking care of me..."  Tzuyu responded voicelessly but enough for sana to hear. Not long after Tzuyu fell asleep and Sana sighed.

"You don't deserve everything they have said Tzuyu. You're the most precious thing that ever exist, I love you and I won't ever leave your side. I'll take the risk like what you've did."

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