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(Sana's side)

"Tzuya, I don't have any snacks with me. "

Sana sulked knowing that everyone have their snack except her. Tzuyu smiled and handed her bag with full of snacks. Sana widened her eyes and took the bag joyfully.

"let's find our seat now Tzu! " Sana said while hugging the bag. Tzuyu giggled at Sana's action, she's so cute. Tzuyu thought.

Half of the students are already at the bus and half are not yet arrived. Tzuyu wondered why Seolhyun and Dahyun are still not there yet they are early birds.

"I'm waiting for someone, if you want you can seat at the bus first I'll be there in a minute! " Tzuyu said while busy checking her phone if there is a message from Dahyun or seolhyun.

Sana pouted and shook her head like a kid.

"I'll wait here then. " she said and just open some snacks and ate. Tzuyu smiled again while staring at Sana.

"Good!" Tzuyu said and clung her arms around Sana's neck. Sana froze and stopped from munching her snack when Tzuyu whispered.

"Stop being cute! Everyone is staring at you,quack and I don't like it! "

Sana feel butterflies in her tummies again. What does she mean about 'I don't like it??'

Sana thought and blushed.

"Yah! Hands off! They will think we are a thing! " Sana whined and move a bit far from Tzuyu but Tzuyu move back close to Sana to tease her.

Sana glared and moved back again but Tzuyu just keep on teasing her.

"So what if they will think we are a thing? Don't you like it? "

As Tzuyu asked that, Sana froze once again but deep inside her she's screaming. She can't deny that she's starting to build a crush on Tzuyu.

"quack! Come here! I told you to stay beside me 24/7."

Tzuyu smirked as she felt Sana fluttered to every words she throw to her.

"2-24...7??" Sana asked stuttering. Tzuyu nodded and took the chance to pull her hands. As Sana bumped on Tzuyus chest... They both froze at the sight.

*dug dug *

*dug dug *

*dug dug*

"Quack... You're so beautiful... "

Tzuyu whispered while staring at Sana's features. Sana can't breathe the moment she heard it from Tzuyu. Tzuyu smiled as she felt how fast and loud the beat of Sana's heart. She help her stood straight.

"My love! "

Tzuyu looked at the one who called her that. It was seolhyun who's glaring at Sana right now. Sana looked down feeling so fluttered as what Tzuyu said.

Did she just said I'm beautiful??

She asked herself.

"Seolhyun-ssi! Dahyunie, let's go! "

Seolhyun is about to held Tzuyu's hand when Sana quickly grabbed Tzuyu's wrist and they walked together. Tzuyu secretly smiled and let Sana held her hands to the bus.

Dahyun giggled that made seolhyun glared at her.

"One point for Sana, 0 for seolhyun! "

Dahyun jokingly said while doing the peace sign to her.

"Sana? " seolhyun asked and Dahyun nodded.

"She's so pretty right? I think Tzuyu like her, you're so slow Seolhyun-ssi that's what you've got!" Dahyun receive a hard slapped from seolhyun in her shoulders as she said that, Dahyun just laugh.

"I'm not slow!"

Seolhyun said and walk fast towards the bus.

As Soon as Sana and Tzuyu got inside the bus Sana quickly pulled Tzuyu's wrist to sat beside her. Tzuyu secretly smiled.

"you're so cute quack! "

Tzuyu said and Sana pouted.

"you told me to stay with you 24/7, If I didn't pulled you like that you'll just broke what you've said and you will stay beside that seolhyun! "

Sana sulked and took a bite on her snack. Tzuyu laugh and munch the piece of snack Sana were about to ate.

Surprisingly, Tzuyu cupped Sana's both cheeks and smiled naturally. Sana froze for the nth time, she can feel how her heart beats like a train.

"You know what? You look like a jealous girlfriend! "

Tzuyu smirked. Sana's hand were shaking that she can't take off Tzuyu's hands on her cheeks. She's loving the scene.

"but I'm not your girlfriend! " Sana muttered.

"hmm... That's why I said 'you look like one' ..."

Tzuyu paused and eventually stopped her eyes on Sana's lips.

Pinkish lips.. Pointed nose... Beautiful eyes...

"you're such a masterpiece Sana... "

Tzuyu whispered as she leaned closer to Sana.

Sana gulped and nervous as hell. She held Tzuyu's hand and closed her eyes.

Tzuyu smiled while staring at Sana.

"quack! "

Tzuyu muttered and flicked Sana's forehead that made her opened her eyes with a glare.

"Yah! " Sana whined as Tzuyu giggled.


The bus stopped for them to ate their lunch before heading to busan again. Tzuyu and Sana went out the bus.

"Tzuyu! "

Sana and Tzuyu turned around and they saw seolhyun running towards them. Tzuyu throw a cute smile at her, as Sana notice it she glared at seolhyun who's smirking right now.

What an annoying face!!

Sana thought and looked away. She didn't notice herself walking away from them. But Tzuyu saw her and pulled her wrist.

"quack! Where are you going? "

Sana stared at her foot and widened her eyes

Did I sleep walked just now?

Sana thought and receive a flick on her forehead again. She groaned and glared at Tzuyu who's giggling at the moment.

" I'm just hungry."

A perfect alibi.

Sana thought again and slapped her head mentally.

"Let's just wait for our two members. " Tzuyu said and rubbed the part where she flicked Sana's forehead. They both smiled to each other while Sana is screaming deep inside her.

"Still hurts? Should I kiss it to heal? " Tzuyu sweetly said to Sana that made the latter blush.

"Is it working? " Sana innocently asked while biting her lips. Tzuyu smirked and nodded. Then Sana slowly nodded, Tzuyu lick her lips and kissed Sana's forehead for almost 10 seconds. Sana froze that she can't even move any part of her body. She can feel how her soft lips landed on her forehead . The butterflies in her tummy, the electricity drowned her, and the beat of her heart that never been crazy before.

Everything feels so new.

Sana muttered to her mind as she look at Tzuyu who's smiling naturally to her.

"Hmm... It will fade later, so come on, hold my hand tight and never loosen it even just a meter away from me. I shouldn't lose you, quack! "

As Tzuyu said that, no words can describe how Sana feel right now. Tzuyu tightened their linking arms while Sana froze and just feel the comfort on Tzuyu's arms.

I'm confuse, this is not just a crush feeling, this is new.

Sana thought and pressed her lips, feeling how happy her heart was.

Sapphires 💙💙💙

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