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Tzuyus POV

Staring at the white and plain ceiling makes my heart feel empty, My mind thinks nothing but pain. Where did I go wrong? I thought she loves me too? I thought She'll chose me? She still in love with Jjuwi and that truth kills me.

I hate my life and I want to die. As much as I want to forget what I heard my heart and mind doesn't function well. All I can feel was pain. Pain that became my best friend , always there beside me. My tear fell down. When will everything ends?

"Tzuyu..." My mom said slowly caressing my hand but I took it back and looked away. I feel nothing. I'm like a stone.

"Tzuyu I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for everything I did. We did. Please forgive us...sorry for not noticing all your efforts and I'm sorry for not letting you know how much we love you for not---" She cried. But my feelings didn't change. I feel like I don't know myself anymore.

"Stop saying shits! I'm so done with everything, I want to get out of here. I want to leave!" I exclaimed. I saw nayeon and Mina eonni walking towards me trying to stopped me but I ignored them. My heart was clearly empty and odd. Not even.

"I want to study abroad. "

I said coldly. I want to escape all the pain here. I need to be alone and move on and just forget everything because I wanted to forgive them as much as I want to and today isn't the right time.

I want to leave for me not to see Sana anymore. I want to leave at least just to help myself, not to get hurt again.

"Tzuyu..." Dad said and looked down.

"I need space. I had enough of everything." I closed my eyes and I heard them all sighed. Then I heard Mina eonni cried. I want to hug her but...there's but.

"When?" Dad asked and walked towards me. I looked at him back and turn to my friends. There's no Sana and Jjuwi here because I don't want to see them.

I sighed and answered.


Sana's POV

"Dad please let me go the hospital, please I want to see Tzuyu!!" I begged while tears falling down my eyes. I don't know but I'm shaking, an instinct of fear ate me. I hope she heard everything, I don't wanna lose her.

"Sana... Tzuyus dad told me she doesn't want to see you nor her sister. Just stay---"

"Dad please... I need to talk to her, I think she's mad...please
..please ..." I kneel down showing him how desperate I am

I need to ask her maybe she misheard Something cause she told me to leave.

I cried when I got home til now.

"Sana its already late at night. I think she's resting , just go tomorrow." He said and went out my room and locked it. I cried even harder. I badly want to see her, god please help me.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Tzuyus number but I was surprise when her phone rang in my side table. I closed my eyes and I lose hope. I took her phone and there I saw my conversation with Jjuwi the reason why she got there

"Tzuyu..." I mumbled under my sobs. My phone beeped and I slowly open my phone.

From: unknown

Eonni, this is dahyun. I don't want to explain any further but you need to come if you want to see Tzuyu for the last time. You still have 20 minutes and we're here at the airport.

My heart skipped and my breathings became heavy. My lips started to trembled along with my knees. I quickly run to the door and slammed it.

"Daaaad!!! Please! Open the door!!" I shouted. My body wants to give in but...I want to see Tzuyu. She's in the airport? She's leaving?

"Dad! Mom ple---" I was cut off when the door suddenly opened.


"Dad...I need to go to the airport Please... Bring me there...I want to see Tzuyu, please..."

Dad instantly pulled my hand and took his keys. As we hop in I didn't bother to fasten the belt and just cried

Don't leave me...Tzuyu...

"Dad can you make it fast? I'm running out of time..."

No ones POV

He nodded but still it took them 20  minutes to arrived. Her knees weakened but she managed to run inside the airport even though the guards were trying to stop her but her dad talked to them. She tried to search everywhere inside the airport but there's no sign of Tzuyu.

Her heart throb so slow yet so hard. She didn't mind the people around and just shouted Tzuyus name as loud as she can until there's none came to her mouth. Her voice gave in, her knees fell and her tears fell nonstop like a stream.

"Tzuyu... Tzuya...please...comeback..." She mumbled voiceless crying alone in the middle .

Pain drown her. Much painful than waiting. People was starting to surround her but she ignored them. There's only one person she wanted to see but she thinks was too impossible, right now.

Until someone tapped her back and helped her to stood up, immediately hugging her tight.

"Tzuyu..." She said hugging her back more tightly.

"I'm Jjuwi Sana! And Tzuyu already left."

She felt like was thrown by a big stone who hit her heart hard. She let go of the hug and started to cry out loud again.

"I want to see you for the last time...but I think, my heart doesn't want to. You froze it and I wish I will met someone who can melt it but not you... You just love my name and not me, Sana..."


A person who always understand also get tired  and A person who love surely got hurt.



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