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Tzuyu's pov

"Tzu! Seolhyun is here,  she's looking for you! " Chaeyoung said while pointing the door. I sighed and checked the time.

"shizz" I hissed under my breath and stood up. I just hope Sana wouldn't come here for recess.

"Hey Tzuyu! Can we talk?" she asked and I nodded in response and pulled her inside the secret room.

"Hm. What is it Seolhyun-ssi? " I asked instantly. She bit her lips first and hesitatedly say.

"I... I just wanna asked... If... Y-you're free this Saturday? "

I saw a hint of red on her cheeks that made me giggle deep inside.

"May I know why, first? " I asked. She gulped shyly.

"Just wanna have some time with you."

This time I'm the who gulped and looked away. I want to say no but...auh.

"Sure. I'll pick you up at 8 in the morning at the Starbucks cafe until 12 noon only. "

I plainly said and about to turn away when she held my hand and hugged me.

And damn.

My heart skipped. What is this?

"thank you."

She said and I quickly let go of the hugged. I nodded and opened the door for her.

"you can go first, Seolhyun-ssi "

She went out and I signed deeply. I stayed for a minute in the room before I walked out too. And there I saw Sana preparing the foods she brought on the couch. A smile suddenly formed in my lips.

"oh jagiya~~~"

I suddenly felt my cheeks reddened as she say that with her natural cute voice that can harm your bias list.

Like fudge?!

I looked away and smiled.

"YAH! CHOU TZUYU?!  Did you just blush?!" Dahyun shouted while pointing at my cheeks. I glared at her and she laugh eventually.

"OMFG!!! Tzuyu blushed because of Sana...hahahaha"

Dahyun, Chaeyoung Mina and Sana laugh at me and I glared at them except sana

Hehe she's the reason why I blushed but I just can't glare at her and instead I just grinned.

"You bought or did you ---"

Mina, Dahyun and Chaeyoung cut me off.

"She ordered a lot and so she gave us some. Huhu she's so sweet Tzu, If I were you I won't waste time and just ask her to be my girlfriend. Tsk tsk"

Chaeng said and ate the ramen she was holding. I want to grip her neck but nah, she's right.

There's a time for that, so not now.

"Hmm Sana-ssi. Can we go out? I feel suffocated when I am here with them. "

I said jokingly and loosen my tie. She nodded and put back the food in the paperbags. I helped her and I volunteered to carry the foods, I lead her to my favourite place here in school.

Actually, someone own this place. It's like their rendezvous back then not far from the resort near here.

"Oh? W-why...  Are we here? This looks like... Auh... Did I already came here before? This place is really familiar. "

She asked herself while roaming her eyes. There's a stream right in front of us. The secret garden of the school only two someone can enter.

I smiled.

"Really? "

I asked innocently. But deep inside I feel a sting.

This is where you met her.

"Sana! Will you believe me if I say... I'm the Tzuyu in your past? "

A sudden pounding beat of my heart can be heard only by me. I took a deep sighed when she looked at me confused.

"I... I probably will not... Going to believe you! " she answered nervously. I smiled at her again pulling her to sit on the bench and pull out the food she bought for us.

"Why not? " I asked. Trying to be confident for what I am doing or saying right now.

"B-because... Yah, are kidding me? " she asked and pouted.

"I'm not. I'm going to tell you something but before that I want you to answer me first. " I challenged her to answer me and that made her look more confused.

"answer what? "

"answer what I have just asked you? Why won't you believe, when at the first place you thought I am the Tzuyu you've been looking for?"

She bit her lips and and stared at me for a minute.

"you are way too different from her. You're bubbly and she's cold. You always smile and she's opposite. But coincidentally you both have the same yoda ears and that made me thought that you are Tzuyu I love---i mean I met before. "

"Do you still love her? "

I asked out of the blue. I can see that she froze for a moment and unknowingly what to do afterwards.


"N-no... "

I stared at her eyes reading if she really mean it. And well expected, she still. But I shrugged it off and just smiled.

Just keep on loving her, Sana.

I opened the first box and took a bite on the chicken she bought.

"Now tell me what you want to tell me. " she commanded and handed me a bottle of water. She's so caring.

"Let's go on a date this Sunday. "

She looked surprised while blushing. I giggled of her cute act.

"But why not in Saturday? " and that gave me goosebumps.

"Ahm-... I want to be honest with you... So on Saturday I'm going out with...seolhyun. " I hesitatedly answered and that made her right brow raised.

"I agreed so that I can talk to her in a good way. I want to tell her what's with us, don't worry. "

I assured her but she hesitantly nodded as she started to open all the box with foods.

"Jagi, I promise, this would probably the last. " I raised my right hand to her and she let out a cute laughs after.

"It's Okay, just do something would make me feel better. "

This time I'm the one who raised my brow. This is in favour with me Minatozaki.

I smirked and stood up walking towards her. She looked confused but I ignore it.

I sat beside her cupping her cheeks using my left hand and started to lean closer.

"Close your eyes! "

I whispered. She gulped first before she closed her eyes. I smiled.

Sorry Tzuyu...

I leaned more closer and captured her soft pinkish lips. This is the second time.

I should've took her first only. But I feel sorry. I like her too.

"Tzuyu... I... I think I love you..."

Say you don't mean it to me please...

"I think... I am too... "


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