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Sana's pov

"Everyone please listen,  first! "

The assistant principal said while waving the students to come near her. I looked at Tzuyu who's busy checking her phone and walked towards her.

"Tzu they will discuss something, let's go! " I held her arms and pulled her to the line they formed.

"We'll having a tour in the forest and all you have to do is look for an animal you'll see on your way and take some photos of them so when we got back to school you'll going to present it with your group as your performance task. Since you all were already have your group's go with them and have fun!"

When the assistant principal ended her announcement everyone started to move and ready their selves. Tzuyu pulled me back to our room and handed me a shirt and pants. I looked confused while taking it.

"There's a lot of insects and other animals may harm us so better use pants and shirt instead of short shorts and off shoulder dress. "

She said coldly that made me bit my lip and looked down. I didn't think of it, pabo Sana.

"Aye aye boss! " I said and she giggled.

I then walked towards the bathroom and change my clothes. After that, I went out seeing Tzuyu standing at the door while wearing a cap and her earphones on.

I gasped

Geez she's so cool

"oh quack, let's go! Dahyun are waiting outside. "

The way she spoke gives me shivers

"quack! Stop staring, let's go! "

Her ears that gives her more charms and appeal. No wonder why everyone likes her , she's near to be perfect.

"Quaaaack, you're weird! "

No! She's exactly perfe-----

*tsup *

I snapped out and my eyes widened while looking at her unbelievably.



"There you go! Come on quack, let's go! "

D-did... s-she just.. K... K-iss me??

She's about to pull me out with her but I stopped her and just stared at her again.

"T-tzu... "

I can't say anything. Why the hell did she do that, it was my first kiss.

This jerk stole it!

"hahaha you're blushing, don't tell me it was your first kiss? " she asked while laughing and tapped my head and pulled me but again I stopped her.

"Exactly! You shouldn't done that Tzuyu, I promised someone that I will give it to her but you stole it, You Jerk!"

I hissed and quickly walked out the room.

Yeah, I like her but she shouldn't have done that. I just like her, I don't love her, for damn sake.

"Hey quack! "

I heard her shouted and pulled my hand to face her but I throw it and glared at her.

I really got pissed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean. I'm really sorry. "

She apologized but it didn't worked at all. I walked closer to her while looking mad at her. She looked down feeling sorry.

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