I'm too young to legally drink alcohol, also it tastes horrible, so instead I eat oranges.
But, take some more 'Youtube stuff as OCs' before the acid kicks in.
Special appearance from an idea I came up with myself.
Jade: Tumblr has really warped my sense of humor.
Jade: I mean, a few years ago, I wouldn't have found a dog getting hit in the face by a Frisbee with the words 'oh what a tangled web we've weave' funny.
Jade: But just a few minutes ago I was doubled over laughing at it.
Amy: What if Danny Phantom really died in the accident and is actually a ghost with the power of turning alive?
Fawnii: *slowly looks up from her book and gives Amy the 'Really now?' look*
Kate: I really hate when flies rub their hands together. Like, what the fuck are you planning you little asshole you have a lifespan of like, three days.
Jade: Last night I had a dream where Shrek was turned into a lady ogre, and Fiona was asked if it was cool with her and she said 'Yes, I'm bishrekual' and I woke up crying.
Kyo: ...You need help.
Robin: I think my favorite story is my Bisexual friend's father hating that she liked the same gender, so he sent her to a catholic school. An all-girls school. An enclosed space filled with nothing but girls.
Lilica: *laughing* Oh yeah! I like to imagine him crossing his arms and thinking, "Why yes, this is a sound decision."
Robin: *laughing along with Lilica* "The perfect plan!"
Crimson: Why d0es 'l1k1ng s0me0ne' have t0 be a b1g deal?
Crimson: Why d0esn't every0ne 1n the w0rld make 1t really clear?
Crimson: Why can't we just make T-sh1rts w1th the names 0f wh0 we crush 0n?!
Crimson: Why d0n't we thr0w p1an0s at pe0ple and yell HELL0 Y0U ARE VERY ATTRACT1VE S1R!
Melody: Have you tried throwing a piano?
Eli: I like how that's the part she's focused on.
Keira: *mocking voice* "I lived without a computer and cell phone when I was your age"
Keira: Yeah, well, your parents lived without microwaves and the polio vaccine, yet I still don't see you giving that up.
Myra: BreaKiNg NeWS! PareNtS haVe heard My SiSter'S bitChing aNd iN retaLiatiON haVe begUN tO giVe Up pOliO aNd Other vaCCineS, aNd haVe SMashed their miCroWaveS tO pieCeS!
Myra: *rushes into room and slams down a jar of stuff* 3D priNted OUt CaNdy.
Alex: Excuse me?
Diana: It has begun. Soon we'll be able to download food.
Eli: You wouldn't download a pizza.
Keira: I would absolutely download a pizza, you stop these lies this instant.
Keira: I wish I had a little toilet and sink in the corner of my room so I wouldn't have to walk all the way to the bathroom.
I have reached a certain level of doneness
De TodoIf you want some logical, good book, leave right now because this is a bunch of shitposts.