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I reached school in 30 minutes. I checked my time table, Ugh..I had Literature in the first period. My heart says bunk, but my mind took over  and compelled me to attend, so I walked to my class.

"Hey Eva." I greeted my best friend, She had been my best friend since a long time. She is the only person whom I can trust blindly and share my secrets with. She is like a sister from different mister to me.

"Hey Sky." She smiled and hugged me enthusiastically.

"So how was your weekend?" She asked.

"As usual. I watched netflix and read DC Comics." I said.

My life is pretty boring in short, I don't party much like any normal teenage. I always sit with a story book or rather stay in my own world and mind my own business mostly.

"You are so boring!" She said in a disgusted tone and punched my elbow

"I know." I didn't care what she said, cause truth hurts baby, but it is wise to own it and I am already accustomed to hearing it.

"Please settle down class." Our teacher walked in and ordered us. Her lessons were fine, bare-able unlike the others. The first class ended. The rest of the day ended in a blurr.

My chauffeur was waiting in the parking lot, He took me home.

I went inside my house. To my surprise my parents were in. After how many years?

"Wow what a surprise." I said with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. How much I wished to could just leave rather than face them.

"Behave. We are here to tell you a news." My mom scolded.

"What news may I know?" I questioned raising my elbow. They are never the bearer of good news, so I don't expect something different or more this time too.

"Me and your mom are going out of town for 4 months. It is business." My dad said. 4 months?! Like, ok 4 months it is a bit too much to take. I don't know how I feel about this. First I can do anything. Second I will miss them, even though I am not close to any of them, I will miss them, because they are still my parents by birth and papers.

"Ok. Bye." I faked a smile and shrugged.

"Our flight is in less that 2 hours. So we have to leave now." Mom said while taking a peep at her Cartier watch.

"Bye." I said casually and rushed to my room. Who wants to hear their crap? They don't even bother to check on me. Huh! Screw them. I changed into a shorts and a tank top and went for a shower to get refreshed.

I lied on the bed with my headphone on. I was listening to 'Touch my Body' by Mariah Carey. The song has been my obsession recently. The lyrics of this song takes no time in awakening my inner seductress. I was so deep into the lyrics, that I found myself lingering my fingers around the elastic around my waist. I slowly slid my fingers inside reaching for my g-spot. I slowly circled my fingers around my clit which was slowly turning wet. I moaned as I pleasured myself.

After a while I decided to take a walk in my apartment's lawn, downstairs.

Oh did I forget to mention? That I don't live with my parents. They brought me this apartment a year ago.

I went to the main door. I was about to leave but my eyes went on the man standing next door that was just two steps away.

Damn! He was fine as hell! He was 6 feet 2 inches tall, clean shaved, hair gelled and a perfect booty! Jeez, I need to get my mind out of the gutter sometimes!

I guess he was going somewhere. He was wearing a crisp yellow shirt, and a black trousers. his tight shirt displayed his abs. I stood there gawking! I couldn't get enough of this god-like figure standing in front of me. He looked at me once, his gaze felt like they were pinning me against the wall and fucking me incessantly. I entered the elevator with him. It was only us. I felt the urge to start a conversation with him.

I spoke up "Nice to meet you. I guess we are neighbours." I smiled coyly.

He took a look at me, wondering who asked him such a stupid question. "Nice to meet you too. Yes we are neighbours." He said.

"I didn't see you here before." I questioned.

"I moved in last week." He said.

"By the way what is your name?" He asked.

"Skylar." I replied.

"I am Aiden Romano." He said.

The elevator was soon at the ground floor. I waved him bye. He got into his Mercedes and went in the right direction.

Damn! I was on the elevator with the hottest person I had seen. Not to mention It gave me a bit of Fifty shades of Grey vibes. I walked round the lawn. Thinking about him. I thought about his flawless fair skin, his kissable lips, his everything! It was soon evening. I headed back.






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