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"Are you ok?" Aiden pulled in front of my parent's.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" I said. I felt nervous. I was about to tell my parents about my pregnancy, I was ought to be nervous. My parents were never supportive or understanding to even little thing, this was huge.

I held Aiden's hand tight and walked towards the door. I took a deep breath as Aiden rung the bell. My mom opened it and looked up at Aiden, as if I didn't exist.

"Aiden. What a pleasant surprise. Ah, Skylar." She kept a poker face as she said my name.

"May we come in? Or say everything here?" Aiden asked.

"Of course come in, come in." She jumped out of joy, as she allowed Aiden Romano & me inside. Well mostly him.

"Mom...I have something to tell you." I said, I was still nervous.

"Wait. Let your dad come first." She rushed in to call dad.

Dad came out. He greeted Aiden. Then it was my queue to tell them.

"Now say what you were willing to." She said.

"Mom, dad...I'm..." I stopped.

"You're what." Dad asked.

"I'm pregnant..." I said it out.

Their face changed, their mouths were wide open, the response to what I said. Sure it won't go well.

"You're joking right?" Dad said.

"No." I said.

"Who is the father?" Mom asked.

"I am." Aiden cut in.

"How could you do?" Mom came up and tried to slap me. But she couldn't, Aiden got hold of her hand and pushed her back.

"That's enough. I won't let anyone touch Skylar." He hugged me, Tight. I burst into tears and cried on his t-shirt.

"We are doing what's right for out daughter, you should better stay out of this Mr. Romano." Dad said in a civil manner, as he won't try to be on the bad side of Aiden.

"Oh, now you claim her as your daughter, when you come for her hardly once in a year and treat her like crap!" Aiden raised his tone.

"That's our personal matter." Dad replied.
Aiden was still holding me.

"And stop blaming her. Sex wasn't her choice nor she seduced me to. It was our decision. But the baby was not expected- but as it happened it's better to accept it." Aiden said.

"You better tell me you are aborting it!" Mom cursed me with those cruel words of her. I didn't expect my mom to go this far, when did she become so heartless?

"Why will she? It is our baby. And how can you think about killing your grandchild before it's born?! Don't you have a bit of humanity in yourself?" Aiden was losing his cool and that was visible.

I let go of the hug, my eyes were red because of crying.

"I've always felt ashamed to call you guys my parents. You never even thought about me, what's right and what's wrong, you guys never really cared, you don't even allowed me to stay with you guys. So why are you claiming me to be your daughter now? I love Aiden and our baby. And I'm not letting anyone cause them any harm. And from now you are nobody to me." I walked away from them.

"Let's go." I said to Aiden and I banged the door behind me.

"Are you ok?" He placed his hand on mine while driving.

"Yes..." I said. Lie. It was killing me inside.

"Let's get you home first." He said.

We reached home in about 30 minutes.

We didn't say a word. We just fucked. I needed that, I needed him to take away all my pains, sorrows.

We were in the bed, making love. He whispers "I love you babygirl, I'll be with you and support you, forever."
"I love you too Aiden."






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