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"WHAT?!" I felt a huge stab in my heart! What did he just say! He has a fucking daughter, it wouldn't shock me if he'd say he was married.! A tear drop rolled down my cheek. I started crying.

I feel like a dirty little mistress. I never in my worst nightmare imagined that I would become a homewrecker. I think this whole confession was stupid. Was he even looking for something serious from the very beginning? Or did he just play my heart.

"Don't cry! Please hear me out..."

"What is left to hear? I just confessed that I loved you and you are telling me that you have a fucking daughter!" I screamed. People were staring at us. I feel so fucking stupid.

"Can we go somewhere private? Just for 5 minutes. Please." He begged.

I couldn't deny "Fine." I felt like hearing him, who knew if this was the last time we were ever gonna meet.

He got me in his car started driving, he took me to a house. It was huge! Like a palace.

We walked up to the door.
"Please come with me." He said.

I went with him.

An stunning old lady opened the door and a kid stood in a distance.

"DADDY. DADDY!" The kid rushed into Aiden's arms.

It's the kid! I couldn't stand there anymore. I rushed out.

I stood there crying in the garden.

"SKYLAR!" Aiden was running toward me.
"Don't you fucking touch me! What did you bring me here for? To make me cry!? Is that what you wanted from the start!?" I screamed.

"No. I didn't have any motives like that. I want to explain." He consoled me.

"What's there to explain!? You are fucking married and you lied to me the whole time!" I screamed.

"What? I'm not married!"

"Just fucking hear me out!" He shouted.

"Fine. Go on, you have 5 minutes." I said.

"It was back 4 years ago. I had a one night stand with a girl named Hana Turner. We hooked up quite some times. Then one day she said that she was pregnant with my baby. I didn't take it well. I freaked out! I wasn't ready to be a father yet. But I had to accept it, because it was my child too. Then she gave birth to Adriana. Just after a few days after giving birth to Adriana, Hana died. She committed suicide. Adriana doesn't even know who her mother is. Adriana means a lot to me. I just can't leave her." He said his sad story.

My reaction changed into instantaneously into a sympathetic one. I started crying.

The kid doesn't have a mother! I completely acted immaturely.

I threw myself into Aiden's arms and whispered "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way without knowing the entire thing. I really am sorry." I cried.

"It's ok..." He reassures me.



"These balls are killing me! Please take them off!"

"Let's head back, I'll introduce you to Adriana." He took me in.

Adriana was beautiful, her brown hair perfectly tied up into two pigtails, her clothes were clean and polished. She had fair skin. She has got Aiden's eyes. I analysed her from top to bottom.

Adriana came towards me with faint steps and smiled at me. Then she asked me "Are you my momma?"

Aww. I love kids, she literally made my heart melt. I wished I was her mom.

"No Adriana, I'm not your mother." I said.

"Can I call you momma?" She asked me in a sweet tone.

"Adriana, she is my good friend." Aiden said to Adriana.

"I want momma." She started crying.

I picked her up in my arms, she stopped crying.

"You can call me momma." I kissed her cheeks.
Aiden came towards me and hugged us.






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